FOR the past seven decades, Arab revolutionary groups have been raising slogans on fighting against imperialism, Zionism, capitalism and bigotry, as well as anti-American and Israel sentiments.
Whenever one of such groups takes power, every Arab is stunned to discover that the leaders carried out a coup through the plans laid down by the US or British intelligence. This started with Jamal Abdul Nasser and it does not end with the current Arab groups.
In the past four decades, a new element joined the game — the Mullah regime which separated groups and linked them to religion. The regime gave these groups names with a sacred vibe, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, which is busy with killings, explosions and assassinations; let alone practicing terrorism that Allah the Almighty prohibited in all divine revelations. The names of these ‘gangs’ contradict their actions.
On a daily basis, their practices are proofs of the tyranny and marginalization of a certain group. For those who do not agree with this kind of gangs, the incident on May 7, 2008 is a good example as the assassination attempt on Rafiq Al-Hariri and his companions failed to make the people submit to such forces in 2005.
This group is blinded by its strength, so it controls its environment. Instead of achieving its resistance slogans against Israel, the group continues to remain silent on Israel’s transgressions towards the Lebanese leadership. The group is occupied with slaughtering Syrians and Iraqis, in addition to helping Houthi rebels kill and displace Yemenis in order to expand the existence circle of Iran in the region.
This group is supposed to be righteous, yet its leaders are busy with the narcotics business and money laundering in Latin America and Africa which have started chasing both the group and Iran — either by closing representative offices or severing political and economic relations.
It has been classified as a terrorist group internationally and regionally. It carried out suicide operations that killed innocent people and held others as hostages. This is in addition to the kidnapping of several foreigners in the 1980s for their countries to negotiate with Iran or give it weapons during the war with Iraq or take ransom to fund its operations such as the hijacking of Kuwaiti planes.
This group encouraged Israel to attack Lebanon in 2006, resulting in the death and injury of about 4,500 Lebanese as well as the destruction of infrastructure. It continues in its attempts to deceive people through its resistance and struggle slogans.
Apparently, the leaders of this group, especially Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, can no longer distinguish between illusion and reality due to their long stay in caves and basements. They assume they can convince people through some slogans, failing to realize that the Arabs will no longer fall for these lies, considering the miseries they have endured because of these groups in the past five years in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, Egypt and other countries.
Interestingly, the slogan shenanigans of Hezbollah that express the group’s despair are now being used by the Houthis in Yemen. If you listen to the Houthi media, you will think in the first instance that the entire world is fighting against them.
For example, they claim that Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, as well as United States of America, United Kingdom and France are fighting against them. They do not recognize the raging national resistance in most Yemeni villages and towns. Luckily, the Decisive Storm Operation foiled the Iranian scheme in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula.
Since lies have no legs to walk, their false claims were exposed immediately. In the same manner that the Hezbollah is negotiating with the US Embassy in Beirut, the Houthis are striving to negotiate with the Americans by all means in order to secure a seat for them in internal reconciliation efforts ‘designed’ by the White House.
Iran and its mercenaries are distraught due to the lies they have been spreading in the region. This happened because the Arabs are no longer swept by emotional sentiments which were common in the 1950s. Now, the Arabs are more aware of their interests and welfare which they use as the basis for building relationships.