Gwyneth Paltrow’s surprising revelation: The real reason she’s never watched ‘Avengers: Endgame’

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Gwyneth Paltrow.

LOS ANGELES, Dec 7, (Agencies): Gwyneth Paltrow finds herself lagging behind in the world of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) films! In a recent discussion at the Red Sea Film Festival in Saudi Arabia, the 51-year-old Academy Award-winning actress disclosed that she has yet to watch Avengers: Endgame—the final Marvel film featuring her character.

“To be honest, I lost track at some point. I’ve never actually seen Endgame,” Paltrow confessed during the conversation. “It’s challenging to keep up with all the characters and storylines. But I suppose I should catch up at some point.”

In the Marvel universe, Paltrow portrayed Pepper Potts, the companion of Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man. Her presence extended across all three Iron Man movies, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame.

The Goop founder revealed that her involvement in the films required some persuasion, agreeing primarily due to the initial “indie” vibe of the then-unknown Iron Man franchise. “The first film we did was quite different from the others because the studio didn’t anticipate it becoming a massive hit,” she shared during the discussion. “They brought in Jon Favreau to direct, who was fantastic. And they cast Robert Downey Jr., who was considered unemployable at the time. His career was at a low point.”

Paltrow went on to describe the unique experience of the first film, highlighting the improvisation that characterized nearly every scene. “We would craft scenes in the morning in Jon’s trailer. It felt like making an independent film. However, once the movie became a tremendous success, we no longer approached them in the same way.”

Her recent comments about her MCU tenure follow an Instagram Story where she clarified her absence from more recent films. In response to a fan’s inquiry about her status in the franchise, Paltrow succinctly stated that there’s no Pepper Potts without Iron Man.

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