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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

THE ongoing ‘Operation Dignity’ battle campaign of the Libyan National Army (LNA) against the extremist militias in Tripoli is not just a fight for control as some are attempting to mislead Arab and global public opinions.

The objective of this campaign is to uproot terrorist groups which have become goads in the hands of the Government of National Accord (GNA), headed by Fayez al-Serraj, to threaten Libyans who are now fed up with lack of security and their country turning into a breeding ground for terrorists, especially those who were brought from Syria and Iraq by known international bodies.

The international community tried several times to explain this reality to al-Serraj’s government. Instead of finding solutions in order to improve the situation, the government went on to strengthen itself with the ‘Brotherhood’ military wing and other terrorist organizations.

This led to more divisions in Tripoli instead of becoming the capital of all Libyans; as if it is just for a certain part of Libya, not the entire country.

Regionally, some are benefiting from contradictions throughout the previous years; particularly those betting on holding a piece of Arab land to prepare the ground for what is being called as ‘third Arab Spring’ and to regain what they lost. This is in Egypt, Tunisia or the remaining Arab countries – the last of which is Sudan where the Sudanese are revolting against the ‘Brotherhood’ rule hiding in the mask of Omar Hassan Bashir.

In addition, al-Serraj and his political team are betting on the element of time to achieve what they were unable to attain on the negotiation table which seems close to imagination.

This is due to the fact that the international situation has significantly changed in the past few years, especially the illegal migration which turned Libya into the main port and led to failure of international initiatives.

Due to all this information, the international community gave Marshal Khalifa Haftar the green light to clean Libya in order to avoid another miserable episode of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or Somalia.

Eliminating the terror groups is not a luxury, but a necessity, due to the atrocities they have been committing around the world. Also, ending illegal migration is necessary – the same phenomenon which the late Muammar Gaddafi warned about in 2011. The silence of GNA over this issue means it is executing the destructive agenda promised by the former regime.

The only option in front of al-Serraj and his government is to accept the truth; taking into consideration the importance of building State institutions, getting rid of terrorists, and utilizing the gains of Libyans and their wealth in reconstructing the country.

However, this will never be achieved as long as there are gangs which spread killings and destruction, and threaten international peace and security. Libyans in the western part of their country are envious of those residing in the eastern part in terms of peace and security which were achieved under the Libyan National Army headed by Khalifa Haftar.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times