Security personnel nab 4 over alleged exam paper leak case

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KUWAIT CITY, June 10: Officers from the Criminal Security General Department in the Ministry of Interior have arrested four individuals for allegedly leaking exam questions. Sources disclosed that those arrested include a female Kuwaiti teacher, two Kuwaiti officials one of whom is a degree holder and an expatriate employee. All of them are working at the Ministry of Education, sources added. Sources confirmed the results of investigations showed that the teacher leaked the Grade 12 Physics exam paper to the expatriate employee who sold it to a private educational institute.

They said the two Kuwaiti officials are accountable for leaking the Islamic Education exams for Grade 12 students. They affirmed that investigations are still ongoing; hence, they expect more arrests later. They added the key to the discovery of the suspects was the telephone call of a student who informed security authorities that he purchased a copy of the exam paper from a private educational institute where he used to take private tutorials.

Meanwhile, the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Education, Ahmed Al-Wahida, has expressed gratitude for the productive collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and commended their swift action in apprehending those involved in the “exam leak” incident, reports Al-Jarida daily.

Al-Wahida emphasized the ministry’s commitment to taking all necessary legal measures against anyone implicated in the disruption of the educational process. The official affirmed that the Ministry, under the direct guidance of Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Adel Al- Adwani, is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity in examination procedures and combating any negative practices.

Al-Wahida reiterated the ministry’s determination to prevent such violations that undermine the educational system’s integrity and negatively impact students and underscored the Ministry’s ongoing reform efforts, led by Al-Adwani, and pledged to continue the fight against corruption to foster a generation capable of driving the country’s developmental progress.

By Munif Naif
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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