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Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi
Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

Far from the common historic views that can be quickly retrieved by a click on the Internet search engine, where you can choose to view in brief or in detail; far from preaching patriotism and secretly drinking sectarianism; far from words that cause destruction and not the other way around. We as Kuwaitis, we need to hold on tight to our nation and not let go.

We as Kuwaitis need to hold on tight to the rope of national unity, in which — after the grace of Almighty Allah and His protection — it is the only rope that means our survival, peace and stability in this graceful country.

Putting our country under the hammer of auction is totally unacceptable. The life of every Kuwaiti is full of meaning in every sense of the word. Every Kuwaiti has rights and obligations and is duty bound to protect and preserve the Constitution and the law, which treats everyone on this land equally.

This is our country which we know, our country that is governed by exquisite system, is tolerant and treats everyone on equal footing even those who commit mistakes. In fact, the one who does not commit mistakes, is the one who does not work.

Kuwait is not an ideal country; Kuwait is not utopia, but with regard to the standard of living and the quality of life, Kuwait is considered to be one of the frontline countries in the world since the government provides rare services to its citizens, something which in most countries is just imagination.

In case you feel aggrieved or unjustly treated, you can knock on the corridors of the court and the doors open even for expatriates before the citizens. It is a place where competence and impartiality are the norms of the everyday business of the judiciary.

Our country, Kuwait, is in the midst of regional conflicts but it is natural to find people trying to gamble with peace, security and stability of our country.

This retrogressive phenomenon is not strange in a country where democracy thrives and liberties are honored; people tend to take advantage of the global crisis to further their political ambitions characterized with abhorred sectarianism and narrow-mindedness that lacks sense of patriotism and honor.

As usual, Kuwait is much worth than a handful of people who want to harm it, whether through selfish interests or ignorance and foolishness.

Anyone who transgresses the rights and liberty of others, the law is there resort for every Kuwaiti and every noble resident of this beloved country. There is no one above the law; this is how Kuwait law is, and this is the tradition of the system of this country.

I wish for the esteemed government to activate the national unity code in order to cut through the hopes of anyone who would be tempted to take advantage of the situation to harm national unity, whether through hostile actions or statements or even tweets that harm the integrity and honor of others.

Respect others that you will be respected. Kuwait is not an arena of adventure or casino where you gamble in politics; Kuwait is a respectful country, peaceful and stable; it honors integrity of its people — citizens and expatriates — and the implementation of the law is always in the interest of everyone living in this blessed land.

I ask Almighty Allah to protect Kuwait and its people from all evil and harm, and may He strengthen the leadership of Kuwait, which is in the hands of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, and HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

Note: For my publications, follow me on tweet, (alzmi1969)

By Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi