IAF celebrates CAS decision on gender eligibility policies

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The President of the International Aquatics Federation, Captain Hussein Al-Musallam.

KUWAIT CITY, June 22: The President of the International Aquatics Federation (IAF), Captain Hussein Al-Musallam, achieved a significant victory for values ​​and equal opportunities in the sport. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) unanimously rejected Ms. Leah Thomas’s appeal against the IAF’s policy and regulations regarding the eligibility and competition categories for men and women.

This decision affirms that the IAF’s policies and regulations are sound and will continue to be enforced in all World Aquatics Championships. The IAF remains dedicated to promoting an environment of fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for athletes of all genders while preserving the achievements of women.

Commenting on the CAS decision, Captain Hussein Al-Musallam stated, “We must protect the rights of our athletes in tournaments, but we also have to ensure competitive fairness, especially in safeguarding the women’s category in our tournaments.”

He added that the IAF’s policies and practices are continually evaluated to ensure they align with core societal values. The organization remains committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to support inclusivity in water sports.

Captain Al-Musallam expressed confidence in the fairness of the IAF’s policy. Ms. Leah Thomas transitioned from male to female during high school. The IAF’s policy was approved during the Federation’s General Assembly meeting on July 20, 2022, following consultations with specialized medical, legal, and human rights committees, as well as input from world champion female swimmers.

During the General Assembly, Captain Al-Musallam asked members to vote on the policy, emphasizing the importance of fairness to women and the preservation of their sports achievements over the past century. He noted that he continually learns from Western countries about protecting women’s rights and their participation in sports and society, upholding the principles of justice and equality between men and women.

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