Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

KUWAIT — its young and its old — were shocked by the death of a member of the Parliament – Nabil Al-Fadel – who was a prominent and outspoken MP. He was not afraid of being blamed by his critics when it came to standing for what is right. This is why his fans were as many as his adversaries.

Many people were fascinated by the late Al-Fadel because of his courage in confronting those engaged in corruption, especially those affiliated to fundamentalist groups, war traders and those who “gathered” millions and changed their nationalities “instantly”, individuals who are well-known, isolated and hated by the people.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden death of Al-Fadel. It was an unprecedented incident in the National Assembly, as it happened after he uttered his last words – which will be written in gold ink – concerning the absence of MPs in sessions and the uncivilized scene of signing transactions during parliamentary sessions, involving both the MPs and ministers. At some point, we did occupy ministerial and parliamentary seats but we neither witnessed nor engaged in such disgusting practices.

The most shocking turn of events for everyone was the manner by which his adversaries gloated over his death, and majority of them belong to the Salafist and Brotherhood fundamentalist movements. These people (fundamentalists) neither spared the late MP nor mentioned his best deeds the way we were advised by our Prophet (PBUH) whose honor we are celebrating these days despite the objection of fundamentalists to such celebrations.

“In fact, these people uttered insulting statements which made many people astonished and perplexed over how they, who appear to represent religion, could behave in a manner that is shunned ethically, morally and Islamically?

We thank Almighty Allah that those who behaved in such absurd manner are among those rejected by the nation for their behavioral gruffness — those who filled Erada Square to scream in an attempt to agitate the public and their aggravators against the authority through their illegal and unblessed gatherings. Fortunately, the law caught up with some of them who have become a deterrent for other aggravators.

Furthermore, those who behaved that way have names preceded by initials starting with ‘D’; making us wonder if he received the ‘D’ through hard work or through donations and alms.

Worst of all, these people occupy teaching positions – an occupation directly linked with shaping the future generation. I cannot stop wondering about what will such generation learn from these people other than hatred, animosity and extremely antagonistic traits.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil