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PREVIOUSLY, whenever the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or an institution in any of the European countries issues a report about one of the Arab countries, fear emerges and the targeted country holds conferences to defend itself. Nevertheless, such reports or statements are forms of interference in the internal affairs of other countries as stipulated in international treaties.Such interference is necessary in certain situations. This is what Saudi Arabia did recently in response to Canada’s rudeness in dealing with the judiciary-security issue. Canada’s attitude prompted Saudi Arabia to declare the Canadian ambassador as persona non grata who was asked to leave the Kingdom within 24 hours. Saudi Arabia also recalled its ambassador to Canada.Reciprocity is part of sovereignty which is indivisible. Protecting and respecting sovereignty are considered the base of international relations. No one is authorized to practice guardianship over another country.Saudi Arabia has never interfered in the internal affairs of Canada. For instance, it did not support the rights of indigenous people in Canada against the colonizers who are currently ruling the country. Saudi Arabia did not issue any statement criticizing violence against women among the original inhabitants of Canada.On the other hand, the leaders of Canada think that democracy allows them to interfere in the affairs of other countries under the pretext of protecting human rights and religious freedom or in response to the arrest of some terrorists and criminals. Actually, the aim is to destroy the sanctity of worship places in Makkah and Madinah.In fact, the decision of Saudi Arabia, which represents all Arab countries, is a warning and declaration that the era of foreign intervention is over. This is aimed at preventing the recurrence of tragedies like the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, when the embassies of some Western countries were transformed into shelters for those who violated laws. The former American ambassador to Bahrain took this step when he violated diplomatic protocols and supported mercenaries of the Mullah regime in their demonstrations and violent action. Apparently, the then American ambassador to Bahrain was assigned there to transform Bahrain into a tasty bite for Iran. The decision taken by Manamah at the time was essential in correcting the American situation.Arab countries never engaged in aggressive action like those taken by Western countries against Arab countries such as sheltering the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists; in addition to allowing them to launch their own television channels that attack our countries. They also facilitated the establishment of operation rooms for launching terrorist attacks.Arabs respect the sovereignty and independence of Western countries but the latter misinterpreted the noble attitude of Arab countries, regarding it as a sign of weakness. Consequently, the Western countries persisted in their intervention in the affairs of Arab countries directly or indirectly.Sadly, the Western countries, including Canada, did not heed the advice of Arab countries that their attitude would make them suffer the brunt of terrorism until the terrorist attacks on Sept 11, 2001; followed by bombings and deliberate vehicle run over incidents which resulted in the killing and injury of innocent people in different European countries.Only then the Western countries realized what the Arab countries have been talking about. The statement issued from Ottawa about a number of criminals in Riyadh is similar to that of Al-Jazera TV and other channels belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood in terms of spreading lies. Has Canada become a mouthpiece for Muslim Brotherhood?By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times