
This is the title of an article published in the media, and welcomed by prominent intellectuals who saw in the article the beginning of the end of Israel because the writer is Jewish and the article is published in Israeli newspapers which says the rights of the 12 million people will soon be restored.
“Perhaps everything is lost. Perhaps we’ve gone past the point of no return. Perhaps it is no longer possible to end the occupation and stop the settlements and attain peace. Perhaps it is no longer possible to r e h a b i l i t a t e Zionism and save democracy and divide the land,” says Ari Shavit. But if this is so, there is no longer any point in living in this country. And there’s no longer any point in writing for Haaretz, we must do what Rogel Alpher suggested two years ago – leave the country.
Go away. If Jewishness is not a vital component in our identity, and if we have a foreign passport, so it is over and we must say goodbye to our friends and move to San Francisco or Berlin. And from there, we will see Israel taking its last breath. We must take three steps backward and watch the Jewish state sink into oblivion. Neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton or others will end the occupation. The only power in the world that can save Israel from itself is the Israelis themselves.
Since the Jews came to Palestine, they know that they are a lie, invented by the Zionist movement, during which they used all the cunning in the Jewish character throughout history in creating a state, although Western and Jewish archaeologists, most notably Israel Flintstein from the Tel Aviv University, and British archaeologist asserted that the temple is a lie, and does not exist, and all excavations proved that it disappeared completely thousands of years ago. The Israelis also know that they have no future in Palestine. It is not a land without people as they lied.
And that the Palestinians are different from the rest of the human beings. We have occupied their land, and we availed whores and hookers and said they be indulged and will forget their homeland after a few years, but their young generation bled up the 1987 intifada, we put them in prisons and said we will teach them a lesson, and after years, and after we thought that they absorbed the lesson they returning to us with an armed uprising in 2000, so we decided to demolish their homes and besiege them, however it was inconvincible to us they launched missiles against us despite the siege and destruction.
We kept on drawing plans with walls and barbed wire, and they come to us from underground and tunnels, and they killed us in the last war. We fought them with brains but they controlled the Amos satellite and terrorized every house in Israel by spreading the threats and intimidations as happened when their youth captured the second channel. In summary, it seems that we are facing the most difficult people in history, and there is no solution but recognizing them and ending the occupation.
Those who admired the article did not notice that it was written three years ago, we have not seen any signs of weakness on the state. Instead, we see its representatives and senior politicians visiting various Arab cities. Moreover, this article is calculated for Israel, not against it. The climate of freedom it enjoys allowed publishing the article and much of the same and for thousands of others who talk about a different viewpoint.
Why was this article chosen and ignored the opposite in view? Things do not happen as we wish and dream, but with actions. What have we done, as Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims since 1948 to restore the usurped rights of the Palestinians? The answer is not only “nothing,” but I believe that the three parties, with good or bad intentions have benefited Israel more than they have harmed it.
Their backwardness and fragmentation today is deeper than they were years ago. It is painful to see so many admirers of this article, and that the demise of Israel is on the cards, unaware that our weakness in every field is the best guarantee of Israel’s security and continuation as a strong state. It does not require longer comment.
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By Ahmad alsarraf