Japan dominates the Asian Fencing Championship in Kuwait

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Japanese display with the national flag.

KUWAIT CITY, June 25, (Agencies): The Asian Fencing Championship, hosted in Kuwait, progressed with Japanese athletes claiming victories in the foil and saber competitions. A total of 350 players from 36 countries participated in the individual events.

In the men’s foil competition, Kyosuke Matsuyama of Japan secured the gold medal by defeating his compatriot Kazuki Imura. Meanwhile, Zoe Mo from China earned the bronze medal. Misaki Imura of Japan clinched the gold medal in the women’s saber category by defeating South Korea’s Yeosu Yoon, who settled for silver. The focus now shifts to the team competitions scheduled for the remaining three days of the tournament.

Japan leads the medal rankings with 8 medals (2 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze), followed by South Korea with 6 medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 3 bronze), and China in third place with 5 medals (1 gold, 2 silver, 2 bronze).

Hamed Al-Hazeem, Deputy Director General of the Public Authority for Sports, commended the Kuwaiti Fencing Association for their efforts in organizing the Asian Championship, emphasizing the authority’s commitment to supporting Kuwaiti sports federations and enhancing the sports system to elevate Kuwait’s reputation on the global sports stage.

Al-Hazeem delighted in Kuwaiti champion Yousef Al-Shamlan’s bronze medal win and wished him success in future Olympic Games. Hamad Al-Awadhi, Secretary of the Fencing Federation, expressed satisfaction with the tournament’s organization, technical aspects, and arbitration standards.

Al-Awadhi highlighted the tournament’s high level, achieved through collaborative efforts with various committees to ensure it reflected Kuwait’s standards. He noted the significant public turnout at the event, which featured 350 participants from 36 countries. He was held under the patronage of Kuwait’s Minister of Social Affairs, Family and Child Affairs, and Minister of State for Youth Affairs, Dr. Amthal Hawilah.

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