KCCC to host workshop on advanced nuclear medicine

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 28: Chairman of the Council of Nuclear Medicine Departments and Head of the Nuclear Medicine Department at the Kuwait Cancer Control Center (KCCC), Dr. Abdul-Rida Abbas, announced the holding of a workshop, next Saturday, on the latest developments in nuclear medicine in imaging heart diseases, with Gulf participation.

Abbas said, in a press statement, that “the workshop aims to help reduce catheterization operations, in light of the presence of large numbers of diabetic and heart patients,” noting that “the workshop revolves around heart disease, by diagnosing it in general, and using nuclear imaging to perfusion the heart muscle, in a way directed to serve the patient in particular, according to his circumstances, imaging methods in nuclear medicine, methods of analyzing information and conducting stress and radiation exposure examinations.”

He added, “The workshop will enable participating doctors to learn about the applications of nuclear medicine in the field of cardiac imaging.” These applications are carried out in a non-invasive (non-surgical) manner, as well as having few complications, with the aim of identifying cardiovascular diseases and determining optimal treatment methods.”

He stated that “diagnostic procedures using nuclear medicine play a pivotal role in the management of cardiovascular diseases, and contribute to reducing death rates, as these diseases are among the most common causes of death, according to the World Health Organization,” stressing the Ministry’s keenness to use the latest diagnostic imaging methods for diseases. heart and blood vessels.

For her part, Nuclear Medicine Consultant and Head of the Nuclear Medicine Department at Al-Amiri Hospital, Dr. Shaima Al-Shammari, said, “The workshop addresses the latest developments in imaging heart diseases, such as arterial diseases, sarcoidosis, and carditis. It aims to educate doctors, nuclear medicine technicians, cardiologists, and radiologists about the latest devices and protocols in diagnosing and following up on the treatment of patients.”

She pointed out that “the workshop is a medical addition to opening scientific and intellectual horizons in the field of nuclear medicine techniques, in addition to expanding the circle of exchange of experiences and knowledge in diagnosing heart diseases.” The use of modern technology also contributes to the development of medical services, thus enhancing the performance of Kuwaiti hospitals,” noting that “nuclear medicine departments provide high-quality specialized examinations by a high-level medical and technical staff.”

By Marwa Bahrawi

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times staff

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