MUMBAI, India, July 17: Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian embarked on a charitable mission during their visit to India, attending a temple to participate in a sev? service alongside Jay Shetty and his wife, Radhi Devlukia. The sisters, in India for the wedding of billionaire heir Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, shared their experience on social media, highlighting moments of spiritual engagement and community service.
On Tuesday, July 16, Kim, 43, took to Instagram to document their visit with a series of photos. "Thank you @jayshetty and @radhidevlukia for this beautiful experience at the temple and having the opportunity to visit these small souls ? I’m forever grateful," she captioned the post. The images included Kim in traditional attire, participating in ceremonies, and serving food to children.
Their visit to the ISKCON temple in Mumbai, as reported by Times of India, focused on sev?, a practice of selfless service. The temple, part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, aims to promote spiritual understanding and unity globally.
Khloé, 40, also shared glimpses of their temple visit on her Instagram Stories, expressing gratitude to Jay Shetty and Radhi Devlukia for the enlightening experience. "They took us to the most magical Temple. So blessed to have the experience with such beautiful souls," she wrote.
Jay Shetty, known for his teachings on mindfulness and spirituality, has previously spoken about his connection to the temple and its teachings. In a 2020 interview with The Times, he discussed his time living at an ashram in India, emphasizing the importance of spiritual practice in daily life.
The Kardashian sisters' journey to India included attending the lavish wedding celebrations of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, where they shared their adventures and memorable moments on social media.
Their participation in the temple service reflects a commitment to cultural exploration and philanthropy, resonating deeply with their global audience and followers.