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Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
King Salman, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques

YOUR Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, we bring to you some apprehensions draining the thoughts of many citizens in the region, because you have encouraged us to speak the truth with boldness. You were the one who motivated us with the statement; “whoever is writing should continue writing, but whatever you see that has its own significance is welcome; the telephone is open, permission is granted and sessions are open.”

You also said in another speech few months ago that “there are kings and leaders in other countries who enjoy immunity against lawsuits, but any citizen can sue the king, the crown prince or any member of the royal family in this country.” The statement is no different from the speech of the earliest Muslim leaders, “Support me if I act well and correct me if I make a mistake”.

This is why we want to intimate you on some incidents by saying that political babbling abound in the region and beyond, and though we do not believe it, the issue is disturbing many GCC citizens to the extent that they are apprehensive. It is easy to refute it, especially as the principle of journalism states that “Refuting rumors should be done through comparison with the truth.” Our people will be delighted with the statement of fact to counter the rumor peddling in some foreign media and those owned by our foes who never wish us well. Your Highness, we will not hide it from you that the uproar is agonizing.

Some people said the war in Yemen elongated without achieving any goal, and it became tedious for Saudi Arabia considering the high cost of human and fiscal resources involved. As close watchers of the scenario, we told them that the statement is not true and affirmed it would have been costlier for Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries if Operation Resolve Storm had delayed a bit longer, because the devils could have laid their hands on the entire region and traded it with the international community, and our situation would be completely different by now.

Your Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, being decisive against hearsay and propaganda promoted by suspicious media outfits necessitates returning to the source. There is need for citizens of the region to hear from the horse’s own mouth, because they are partners — just like allies in the military assault, and it is the only way they can restore economic and security tranquility.

Yes, we share the same fate since any damage to a country in the region will affect others. You might have followed the wise speech delivered by His Highness the Amir at the inauguration of Kuwait’s National Assembly, as you have been following speeches and positions taken by other GCC leaders concerning a united front in Operation Resolve Storm. As said earlier, if we delayed the intervention, only God knows what the cost would have been, after everybody realized the plans of Iran and her appendages represented by Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Your Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, it is unfortunate that the issue is not just about the war in Yemen but transcends rumored misunderstanding within the Saudi royal family and between the Crown Prince and the Deputy Crown Prince. The issue also transcends gatherings, diwaniyas and blogs on social media in the sense that the Western media was awash with wrong information from those who exploit rumor to destabilize the region. We know there’s no truth in the rumor due to our knowledge of the royal family whose culture is based on respect for the young and old, while they play their respective roles within the confines of the monarch’s guiding principles.

It is true that the region is filled with the discussion, and there is no gain saying it is a psychological weapon dispatched by some powerful nations against Saudi Arabia which has been facing series of political and media attacks since the 1950s. The attacks are plotted by power brokers known for serving different ideologies. It is obvious that Saudi Arabia will be victorious as she conquered the previous challenges, because she is only consolidating her role with steady media action through constant meetings with the GCC and Arab and other international media outfits. At the same time, she works hard to build her power, which is effective in the Middle East and entire globe.

Today, we are sorry to say that Saudi media was weak in challenging the psychological war as it responded to the enemies or those ignorant of the facts it possesses. The issue has gone beyond the Information Minister or national spokesperson or even a statement released by a higher authority to clarify, because it will not put the people’s mind at rest. This must come from the highest authority in Saudi Arabia who has opened his heart and doors to his subjects to speak out. This is the only way to refute the rumors, so people will know the right direction to follow.

In my opinion, the print and electronic media in the region and the media of some countries that stood by Saudi Arabia to wipe out the challenge will be affected the most by the war. It will also consolidate the powerful military and political efforts exerted by Saudi Arabia on all fronts.

Your Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, our people will be happy to hear it directly from you in blocking all channels of insinuations and offensive against the Kingdom, because it will set the record straight. How I wish that such a forum is sustained as a regular event similar to the way other world leaders interact with the media outfits in their countries or regions when the situation arises.

The stance you expressed in more than one forum was the motivating factor for frankness, and I feel that quenching the smoke of rumor mongering is possible through the royal conviction over the ember of assumptions the hostile powers are fanning. They did not spare even your health regardless of the fact that we see you hale and hearty in various forums and meetings. May Allah preserve your health! This is the kind of price paid by leaders of powerful nations when their countries and citizens face hostilities.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times