KIPIC’s CEO calls for formation of panel to probe cause of fire

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KUWAIT CITY, June 30: The minor fire at the Al-Zour Refinery has been brought under control. The CEO of Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), Wadha Al-Khatib, has called for the rapid formation of a specialized committee to investigate the causes of the fire, which broke out yesterday in a storage area managed by one of the contractors inside Al- Zour Refinery.

CEO of Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC), Wadha Al-Khatib

The sources reported that the refinery units were not affected by the fire, and production and refining operations continued as normal. They praised the firefighters for their prompt response and quick action to extinguish the fire, noting that there were no injuries from the incident. Al-Khatib emphasized the importance of enhancing security and safety measures at the refinery and demanded accountability for any contractor who fails to comply with the required security and safety procedures. She also called for regular maintenance of all facilities to prevent potential accidents. Furthermore, the oil sources confirmed that the merger of KIPIC with Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) will result in significant advancements for Kuwaiti labor; despite concerns about the merger, Al-Khatib, as the CEO of both companies, has been closely monitoring issues related to national labor and has assured that she will not tolerate any injustice towards any citizen during her tenure.

By Najeh Bilal
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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