‘Know technology, fight cybercrime’

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$6 trillion damage in ’21: CAIT

KUWAIT CITY, Dec 18: Armoring oneself with technological awareness is key to safely navigating online world, stated Acting General Director of Central Agency for Information Technology (CAIT) Dr. Ammar Al-Husaini on Sunday. During his inaugural speech of the fourth Kuwaiti cybercrime combating conference, Dr. Al-Husaini explained that these crimes have become a leading cause of resource depletion as it causes data damage, intellectual property theft, personal data theft and financial theft. He indicated that electronic crime-caused damage for year 2021 were estimated at more than USD six trillion, and are expected to rise to USD 10 trillion by 2025.

Al-Husaini mentioned that social media platforms misuse and electronic crime is directly linked to lack of awareness as data shows that only 10 percent of victims report the crime. He stressed that all citizens must be knowledgeable about electronic crime law, to acquaint themselves with their rights and responsibilities and avoid falling victim to cybercrime. Dr. Al-Husaini called for boosting cybersecurity in public and private sector and furthering collaboration to develop technologies and security systems, and improve safety indicators.

Interior ministry lieutenant general Ammar Al-Saraf stated that electronic and cybercrime combating department is facing great challenge in privacy protection especially with recent developments in Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse. He highlighted need for updating the legislative framework for cybersecurity, and hoped that a cybersecurity center be bought to life soon. Kuwait’s fourth cybercrime combating conference, with participation of technicians and experts in the field, is organized by CAIT and Ministry of Interior and held over two days. (KUNA)

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