KPI signs partnership agreement with Italy’s Fox Petroli to produce biofuels

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KUWAIT CITY, June 26: Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) announced on Wednesday completing the agreement to acquire a 50 percent stake in Italy’s Eco Fox SRL, a company wholly owned by Fox Petroli, which specializes in the production of biofuels. In a statement to KUNA, KPI stated that this announcement follows the approval of the European Union’s Directorate-General for Competition in accordance with the laws of the European Union and the Italian Republic.

This deal is considered the first biofuel play by Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) in its international operations, making it achieve a key component in KPC and its subsidiaries strategy for Energy Transition 2050, the statement added. KPI’s Chief Executive Officer, ShafiAl-Ajmi, expressed his pride in this accomplishment that enhances the provision of sustainable fuel to the company’s customers across Europe, particularly in the Italian market. He noted that it aligns with KPI’s strategy to grow and enhance its market share in Europe, while diversifying the company’s products in line with European demand and the global trend towards sustainability. Al-Ajmi also highlighted the significant role played by national talent in capturing global investment opportunities and exploring every avenue to advance the company’s operations in European markets, thanking them for their contribution to this achievement.

Executive Vice President for Marketing at KPI Fadel Al-Faraj stated that this acquisition is particularly significant as it represents a launching point for the ‘Q8’ brand to become a leader in sustainable biofuel production in Europe. What adds to the importance of this achievement is its coincidence with the 40th anniversary of KPI’s founding, Al-Faraj added. The company in Italy has transformed from a traditional fuel supplier to a sustainable fuel partner for our customers, adding that KPI will continue to meet customer demands and achieve KPC’s goals for sustainable energy transformation. It is worth noting that Fox Petroli has been operating in the biofuel market in Italy since the 1990s, producing a range of advanced biodiesel and byproducts for industrial use.

The company has a production plant with an annual capacity of 200,000 tons, a bonded warehouse with a storage capacity of 30,000 cubic meters, and logistical support capable of receiving and shipping products by sea and land. Established in 1983, KPI is a global marketing company under KPC, managing over 4,700 retail fuel and transport service stations across Europe. KPI supplies aviation fuel to over 70 international airports, manufactures high-quality oils globally, and holds stakes in three refineries in Italy, Vietnam, and Oman through partnerships with international oil companies. Meanwhile, Kuwait Petroleum International (Q8) organized a conference in Rome, dubbed “Smart City Roadmap for the government”, aiming to promote partnerships between private and public sectors and pave the way to cities of the future. Attending the conference alongside Italian Minister of Environment Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Kuwait’s Ambassador to Italy, Nasser Al-Qahtani, stated that the conference handles topics of utmost importance. He called it a valuable opportunity for public and private sectors to exchange perspectives and discuss energy consumption in light of climate changes affecting the whole world. Al-Qahtani also said that it is a reflection of Kuwait’s commitment to UN charter on climate change and decreasing carbon emissions. He commended Q8’s efforts in organizing this conference as it became of social and economic weight in Italian market, making notable contributions. The conference, launched yesterday, was also attended by a number of high officials from both Kuwaiti and Italian sides. (KUNA)

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