
Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kuwait affirms its strong commitment to empowering women and protecting their rights

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Kuwait affirms its strong commitment to empowering women and protecting their rights
Diplomatic Attaché Rahiq Al-Abbad

NEW YORK, Oct 12: The State of Kuwait reaffirmed today, Friday, its strong commitment to empowering women, protecting their rights, and promoting their status. It emphasized that Kuwaiti women have proven their merit over the decades and have become symbols of strength and progress in Kuwaiti society.

This statement was delivered by Diplomatic Attaché Rahiq Al-Abbad of Kuwait’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations before the Third Committee on Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Affairs under Agenda Item 27, which deals with the advancement of women.

Al-Abbad highlighted that Kuwait stands out with a political and legislative environment that supports all sectors of society, noting that the country's constitution ensures the closing of the gender equality gap. Kuwait has also adopted numerous policies and regulations that guarantee the social, economic, and political rights of Kuwaiti women.

She added, "What proves this is the fact that women in Kuwait represent more than 58% of the total national workforce in the government sector and 48% in the private sector."

Al-Abbad also pointed out that more than 70% of students and researchers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in Kuwait are women and girls. Moreover, Kuwaiti women participate in various decision-making processes and hold positions in executive and legislative institutions, including ministerial, municipal, and parliamentary councils.

She mentioned that, to date, 88 female prosecutors and 19 female judges have been appointed, and in a historic first for Kuwait, four women were appointed as directors in the Public Prosecution Office this year.

Regarding the diplomatic corps, Al-Abbad stated that the number of women in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2024 reached 144 female diplomats, accounting for 2% of the total diplomatic staff.

She added that Kuwaiti women in the oil sector—considered the main economic artery of the country—proudly and competently make up 54% of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation's workforce. In the military field, Kuwaiti women today hold 47% of leadership and supervisory positions.

In the security sector, the diplomatic attaché noted that the number of female police officers in Kuwait has reached more than 900 women in the Ministry of Interior. For the first time in Kuwait’s history, 19 women were appointed to the Amiri Guard.

Al-Abbad praised the crucial role of the United Nations in achieving gender equality through its contributions and achievements, setting global standards for this purpose. She cited that Kuwait reflects this goal by enacting laws, regulations, and policies that ensure the implementation of these standards in line with all international agreements and instruments ratified by Kuwait, in addition to its engagement with relevant UN mechanisms.

In this context, the diplomatic attaché referred to the "Jeddah Document," issued by the 2023 Jeddah International Conference on Women in Islam. This document serves as a fundamental reference for all women's rights and represents a framework aimed at achieving a balance between women's rights and duties while respecting their dignity and enhancing their role in public and private life.

Al-Abbad reaffirmed Kuwait's commitment to promoting and protecting women's rights, stating that the country’s advancement in safeguarding the legitimate rights of women reflects the belief of the Kuwaiti political leadership and society that true progress cannot be achieved without the effective participation of women in all areas of life. She called on the international community to intensify and coordinate efforts to achieve more tangible and sustainable achievements in the empowerment of women and the protection of their full rights.