Kuwait Foreign raps Filipina (OFW) murder; Uproar in Manila

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 29: Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al- Jaber Al-Sabah received Philippine Chargé d’Affaires to Kuwait Mr. Jose A. Cabrera III Sunday afternoon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to a statement released by the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait. Sheikh Salem asked Cabrera to convey his deepest condolences to the family and the Philippine government on the brutal and tragic death of Ms. Jullebee Ranara.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al- Jaber Al-Sabah receives the Philippine Chargé d’Affaires to Kuwait Jose A. Cabrera III in his office.

The foreign minister condemned Ranara’s murder and said that the perpetrator, who has been arrested and is currently in detention, will be punished for this heinous crime. Sheikh Salem added that the actions of the perpetrator do not in any way reflect the character and values of Kuwaiti society, the Kuwaiti people, and the Kuwaiti government. Cabrera expressed appreciation for the cooperation and assistance of Kuwaiti authorities, particularly for the swift action and response in the apprehension of the suspect and in the clearances for the shipment of Ms. Ranara’s remains. Sheikh Salem said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide the Philippine Embassy all necessary assistance as it continues to monitor Ms. Ranara’s case.

Cabrera informed Sheikh Salem that, based on statements by Secretary of Migrant Workers Maria Susana V. Ople, there is no ban on deployment to Kuwait. Sheikh Salem and Cabrera also discussed bilateral relations between the Philippines and Kuwait and expressed a mutual commitment to closer dialogue and engagement between the two countries, especially in the coming months.

Meanwhile, there is an increase in public outcry in Manila to ban sending workers to Kuwait and to reconsider the bilateral agreement between the two countries, following the announcement made by the government of the Philippines that it would take steps in coordination with Kuwait to deal with the murder of the Filipina domestic worker Jullebee Ranara whose body was found in Salmi desert, reports Al-Rai daily. According to informed sources, the Labor Attache Nasser Mustafa came to Kuwait from the Philippines a few days ago to follow up the issue of workers crowded in the government shelter and the Embassy of the Philippines, and to follow up the murder case

The sources indicated that this crime would cause an increase in the escape of domestic workers from their employer’s house at the occurrence of the slightest problem, as some of them are no longer confident that they will be protected from assault. This assumption is due to the registration of several cases of escape during the past few days over flimsy reasons. They said employees in the labor offices revealed that a domestic worker had called the police station because her sponsor raised his voice at her. Another claimed that her sponsor hit her but there was no evidence of the incident, including in the medical report. By Marlon Aquino Malinao Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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