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Fingerprint system exposes salary fraudsters

Fingerprint activation uncovers scandal in Kuwait's education sector: Former employees are still paid despite their departure.

KUWAIT CITY, May 4: In a startling revelation, educational sources disclosed to Al-Jarida that authorities within the Ministry of Education have uncovered a concerning discrepancy: several former employees who left the country years ago are still receiving their salaries. The revelation underscores a significant oversight, with some individuals having departed as far back as 2018, yet their salaries continued uninterrupted, without any corrective action being taken.

The decision by Dr. Adel Al-Adwani, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to activate the fingerprint system for monitoring employee attendance and departure has played a pivotal role in exposing these irregularities. This system, implemented without exception, is seamlessly integrated with the Civil Service Bureau's comprehensive systems. Its activation has led to the detection of numerous cases where individuals were erroneously receiving salaries despite being absent from the country.

Al-Adwani's proactive stance on addressing this issue was evident in the formation of an urgent investigation committee tasked with identifying cases of prolonged absence among ministry employees. Empowered to summon individuals implicated in the matter, the committee has been vested with the authority to conduct thorough investigations and take requisite legal measures.

It has been revealed that the Ministry of Education will pursue legal action against employees proven to have left the country while unlawfully receiving salaries for years. Such actions, deemed a flagrant misuse of public funds, will be referred to the prosecution following the committee's recommendations.

Sources close to the matter emphasized Al-Adwani's uncompromising stance on enforcing accountability within the ministry. Stringent instructions have been issued to scrutinize the files of employees across all departments, educational zones, and schools. Compliance with designated working hours, verified through the fingerprint system, is being closely monitored. Any instances of absenteeism are to be promptly reported, ensuring swift legal action is taken against offenders.

Al-Adwani reiterated the imperative of upholding the law firmly, without any tolerance for negligence or the squandering of public funds. The Ministry of Education's commitment to transparent governance and fiscal responsibility remains unwavering, as it endeavors to rectify these systemic shortcomings and uphold the integrity of its operations.