Kuwait Ministry of Health issues new drug pricing regulations

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Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wahab Al-Awadi

KUWAIT CITY, May 1: In response to the recommendations put forth by the Drug Pricing Committee within the Ministry of Health, and in alignment with the overarching goals of serving the public interest, His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wahab Al-Awadi, has issued a ministerial decision outlining the pricing structure for medicines and pharmaceutical preparations in the State of Kuwait.

The ministerial decision encompasses approving prices for 228 medicines and preparations, along with amendments to 10 drugs and pharmaceutical preparations listed in the attached document. These revisions and additions to the list of medicines are to be incorporated into Ministerial Resolution No. 74 of 2023.

This decision is part of the ongoing efforts to periodically review drug prices and continue the process of reducing medication costs. It follows the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee on the Pricing of Medicines and Nutritional Supplements, established by Ministerial Resolution No. 117 of 2018.

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