‘Kuwait negotiating with Iran for natural gas buy’

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 9: According to Tehran Times newspaper, Kuwait is negotiating with Iran for the purchase of natural gas for operating power stations, reports Al-Anba daily quoting Director General of Iran Natural Gas Export Company Ali Redha Kamili. He explained that Iran is considering exporting natural gas to Kuwait via pipelines similar to those that are under construction for the export of natural gas from Iran to Iraq via Al- Basra city. The pipelines for exporting natural gas to Kuwait will be under the sea through Janafani in south Iran.

Meanwhile, Director of Iran’s National Gas Company Hamad Redha Iraqi revealed last April that Iran is preparing to export natural gas to Kuwait via pipelines through Iraq’s western borders. He said, “If a contract is signed between Iran and Kuwait for export of gas, it is possible for Iran to export natural gas to Kuwait through Iraq.”

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