Kuwait population hits 4.91 mn, compared to 4.79 mn in ’23

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KUWAIT CITY, May 6: Recent statistics from the Central Statistics Bureau revealed that the population of Kuwait reached 4.91 million on Jan 1, 2024 — 119,700 higher compared to 4.79 million on the same day in 2023, reports Al-Anba daily. According to the statistics, the number of Kuwaiti citizens increased by 28,700; reaching 1.545 million at the beginning of January 2024, compared to 1.517 million at the beginning of 2023.

The number of male citizens increased to 758,700 at the beginning of January 2024; compared to 744,230 on the first day of January 2023. The number of female citizens increased to 787,000 on the first day of January 2024 compared to 772,800 on the first day of January 2023. The number of expatriates increased by 90,990 to reach 3.36 million on the first of January 2024, compared to 3.27 million on Jan 1, 2023. The number of male expatriates increased to 2.26 million on Jan 1, 2024; compared to 2.18 million on Jan 1, 2023. The number of female expatriates increased to 1.1 million on Jan 1, 2024; compared to 1.08 million on Jan 1, 2023.

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