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author name Arab Times

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NEW YORK, Dec 1: The State of Kuwait has questioned the international community for “allowing the Israeli occupation carry out systematic criminal violations without being held accountable or punished as if it is above the law.” “For how long will UN member countries continue to deal with the just Palestinian cause with double standards and for how long this silence continues to deprive the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights as if the rights of the Palestinian people are exempted from international laws” Tareq Al-Bannai, Kuwait Permanent Representative to the UN, told a General Assembly session on the Palestinian issue.

Decades have passed, he added, and these questions have not been answered “and the inability of the international community to address the Palestinian cause and its inability to hold Israel, the occupying force, accountable, is the biggest failure in the UN history in general and Security Council in particular, this is a disgrace.” The State of Kuwait, said Al-Bannai, holds special attention to the Palestinian cause. The Palestinian people are regrettably suffering from all kinds of aggression by the Israeli occupying force “without any clear-cut international reactions to lift this suppression and injustice.”

The Israeli occupation continues violating the UN Charter, the international law, international humanitarian law and international law of human rights, the 1949 Geneva Conventions and other global treaties, he said. “The occupation is the disease which … fought, killed, displaced, destroyed families and houses and environment … of our Palestinian people however refused to heed international resolutions and end the occupation,” he asserted. Al-Bannai said “there shall be neither peace nor security alongside occupation. What we witnessed in the past years were systematic measures that distanced us from peace, these measures aimed to solidify this illegitimate occupation” through expansion of illegal settlements in breach of UNSC resolution 2334 thus aborting the two-state solution.

Al-Bannai cited a report about the Palestinian people which mentioned that expansion of Jewish settlements namely in East Jerusalem was threatening creation of the Palestinian state. Al-Bannai quoted the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland as saying, “After decades of continuous violence, illegal settlement expansion, stalled negotiations, the conflict has once again reached a boiling point.” He touched on what was stated in Francesca Albanese’s Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Palestine’s occupied territories since 1967 report, describing it as “a deliberately obsessive, racist and repressive regime aimed at preventing the realization of the Palestinian people’s right to selfdetermination.”

“Since 1967, Israel deliberately violated Palestinians’ right to self-determination in the occupied Palestinian territory by preventing them from exercising their territorial sovereignty over natural resources, obliterating their cultural identity, and suppressing Palestine’s political resistance,” he added.

Al-Bannai also added that by demolishing symbols that express the Palestinian identity, the occupation jeopardizes the Palestinian cultural existence, and by suppressing Palestinian political activity, the occupation violates the ability of Palestinians to free themselves from foreign domination and control. These words of UN references and sources described the reality of the occupation, he explained Al-Bannai also said, “We have noticed during the pastmonths a serious escalation in the Palestinian territories as a result of the systematic crimes and attacks committed by Israel’s occupying power against the Palestinian people.” Al-Aqsa Mosque is still subject to repeated violations, whether by the Israeli occupation forces or settlers, he added.

Al-Bannai reiterated Kuwait’s strong condemnation of these aggressive practices that represent a provocation to the feelings of Muslims around the world and an explicit threat to freedom of worship in Al-Aqsa Mosque. He said, “In light of the injustice practiced on the Palestinian people, Kuwait renews its call to the international community to take immediate action to provide protection for the Palestinian people.” Al-Bannai affirmed that Kuwait strongly supports Palestine to obtain full membership in the UN, and calls on all countries that do not recognize Palestine as a state to review themselves and align their positions with international law. He stressed that the occupation does not change from one country to another, and the legitimate right to self-defense does not change from one country to another, and the implementation of international legitimacy resolutions, especially the Security Council, does not change from one issue to another. (KUNA)