Kuwait ranks 86th out of 100 in World’s Best Cities – Last in Gulf

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 10: Kuwait was ranked 86th out of 100 countries in the World’s Best Cities Report for 2021, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting bestcities. org. According to the report, Kuwait is last among the Gulf countries; while Dubai ranked sixth in the world and first in the Gulf, Abu Dhabi ranked 15th in the world and second in the Gulf.

The best cities in the world are determined according to six criteria as follows:

1. Place: weather, safety, tourist attractions, public parks and outdoor activities, number of corona cases relative to the population

2. Products: airport travel destinations and networks, attractions for residents and tourists, university ranking, convention center

3. People: residents born in the city, educational attainment

4. Prosperity: ranking of city companies in Fortune 500 (index of the best 500 companies in the world), GDP per capita, equality of income, unemployment rate

5. Programming: culture, nightlife, food quality, shopping

6. Promotion: percentage of visitors, number of visitors checking in places on Facebook, using Google search engine during the visit, visitors’ comments on the travel application ‘TripAdvisor’, Instagram tags for the city, popularity of the city in ‘Google Trends’ among visitors within 12 months.

The report stated that Kuwait City shines with amazing contrasts and it is one of the hottest cities on the planet during summer. The water towers are among its prominent features; indicating the glittering towers reflect modernity and efficiency for which Kuwait is famous, especially when it comes to social networking sites.

With the presence of the huge Silk City project, Kuwait will soon have a very strong chain of hashtags on social media, including the Great Mubarak Tower in the city plan, which may break records for social media labels, the report added.

London, New York, and Paris are the top three best cities in the world for 2021; followed by Moscow (4), Tokyo (5) and Dubai (6), Singapore (7), Barcelona (8), Los Angeles (9) and Madrid (10). On the other hand, the 10 worst cities are: Krakow (Poland) at 100th, Raleigh (America) at 99th, Salt Lake (America) at 98th, Mexico City at 97th, Glasgow (UK) at 96th, Sacramento (America) at 95th, Manchester at 94th, Düsseldorf (Germany) at 93rd, Nashville (Tennessee-America) at 92nd, Bucharest (Romania) at 91st and Minsk (Belarus) at 90th.

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