Kuwait Shooting Sports Club mourns the loss of Al-Tarqi

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A file photo of former national team shooter Tami Al-Tarqi.

KUWAIT CITY, July 1: The Kuwaiti Shooting Sports Club mourns with great sadness the passing of former national team shooter Tami Al-Tarqi, who died the day before yesterday after a battle with illness.

Club Secretary Obaid Al-Osaimi stated in a press release that the Kuwaiti shooting community “has lost one of its loyal sons, known for his good reputation and significant achievements with the national shooting team.”

On behalf of himself, the president, the members of the club’s board of directors, and all members of the Kuwaiti shooting sport, Al-Osaimi expressed his sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased. He prayed to God Almighty to bestow His vast mercy upon him, grant him a place in spacious gardens, and inspire his family and loved ones with patience and solace.

It was announced that the Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Olympic Shooting Complex will be closed for three days in mourning for the deceased.

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