Kuwait steps up emergency readiness amid regional tensions

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KUWAIT CITY, April 14: As tensions continue to escalate in the region, government entities in Kuwait are intensifying efforts to review and update emergency plans. These measures are being undertaken within the framework of precautionary measures aimed at ensuring food security, oil security, health security, border security, and internal security.

The heightened state of alert comes against the backdrop of escalating threats exchanged between Iran and Israel.

Informed sources speaking to Al-Rai disclosed that the oil sector regularly updates and reviews its contingency plans. These plans, contingent upon government decisions, encompass safeguarding oil sites, refineries, and Kuwaiti tankers on their routes. The sources emphasized that these plans are poised for immediate implementation.

On the health front, comprehensive emergency plans have been prepared in advance to address any potential crisis. The Ministry of Health is closely monitoring precautionary measures and response protocols. Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi, recently convened with the Council of Undersecretaries to assess sector preparedness, coordination, and the availability of strategic medical supplies.

Meanwhile, sources within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry reassured the public regarding Kuwait’s strategic stockpile of essential commodities. The country maintains reserves ranging from six months to a year for various commodities, supplemented by local food stocks lasting approximately six months.

In response to the escalating situation, the Islamic Constitutional Movement (Hades) urged the government to exercise caution and mobilize all relevant agencies to ensure readiness and activate emergency plans. The movement emphasized the need for national unity and solidarity in the face of unfolding developments.

Members of Kuwait’s parliament echoed these sentiments, calling for unity and emphasizing the paramount importance of national security and stability. With the government yet to be formed and the National Assembly not convened, representatives underscored the urgency of providing assurances to the public regarding the country’s security, economic stability, and food security.

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