
Monday, March 17, 2025

Kuwait Tightens Control Over Decoders, Receivers with New Rules

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Kuwait Tightens Control Over Decoders, Receivers with New Rules

KUWAIT CITY, March 17: Minister of Information and Culture and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Abdulrahman Al- Mutairi recently issued a ministerial decision regulating the import of decoders and receivers. The newspaper obtained a copy of the decision, which mandates those involved in the device trade to obtain permission from the competent authority in the ministry before importing receivers for audio and video channels equipped with separate decoders, or any device that incorporate decoder technology.

The decision also stipulates that it is prohibited to import or sell decoders or receivers, which incorporate decoders for audio and video channels, or any device with decoder technology, without obtaining a license to engage in this activity from the concerned authority in the ministry. It requires the submission of an import license application by entities or companies that hold the rights to encrypted audio or visual media content using the form prepared for this purpose to the competent authority at the ministry. The application must specify the applicant’s name, address, capacity as the content rights holder, and the type and number of devices for which an import license is requested. The competent authority will then refer the application to the competent technical authority for a technical opinion to grant the license or not.

The competent technical authority must express its opinion on the license application within 10 working days of receiving the application, and that the concerned authority must decide on the license application within one month of the application submission date by accepting, rejecting or amending it. Customs clearance of authorized import devices is not permitted until a certificate is obtained from the competent authority, stating that the imported devices are permitted to enter the country. The ministry neither imposes obligations or rights on third parties as a result of granting or denying the import license, nor does it grant the license prejudicing the rights of interested parties related to the circulation or sale of such devices.

According to the same decision, the permit will be valid for one year from the date of issuance. If the competent technical authority requests a sample of the equipment for which an import or release permit is required, the party requesting the permit shall be obligated to pay the ministry a fee of KD10 inspect the equipment. The decision allows employees to appeal the refusal to grant the permit or renew it within 10 days from the date the applicant is notified of the decision. The appeal shall be submitted to the undersecretary of the ministry and a decision shall be made within 10 days of its submission. The decision issued in the appeal shall be final

By Mohammad Al-Enezi
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff