Kuwait to host forum in fight on terror funding

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 17: The State of Kuwait will host a forum on Monday and Tuesday to address means of drying up terrorism resources and exchange data in this respect among regional and international stakeholders, namely the United States of America.

The workshop will shed light on issues related to digital coins and affiliate hazards, said the assistant foreign minister for development affairs and international cooperation, minister plenipotentiary, Hamad Al-Meshaan, in a statement to KUNA on Saturday. Al-Meshann pointed out the forum will group representatives of the member states at the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC). The TFTC was established in 2017 as a body to face emerging threats and hazards, namely the funding of terrorism and terrorist. It is co-chaired by the United States of America and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The center, that had already sanctioned individuals and groups linked to terrorism, was created to enhance multilateral efforts among the US and the Gulf countries; Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE); to counter regional money laundering and terrorist financing networks. TFTC members counter these networks through three primary lines of effort: identifying, tracking, and sharing information about terrorist financing networks; coordinating joint disruptive actions; and offering capacity-building training and assistance in countering the financing of terrorism. (KUNA)

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