Kuwait uses AI to diagnose retinal diseases, diabetic retinopathy

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KUWAIT CITY, June 30: Dr. Yousef Al-Dhafiri, a Consultant in retinal surgery and ophthalmology at Jaber Hospital, highlighted Kuwait’s pioneering use of artificial intelligence for diagnosing retinal diseases and diabetic retinopathy. He emphasized that Kuwait, facilitated by the Ministry of Health, has deployed 106 network cameras across all dispensaries and clinics from Al-Mutlaa to Sabah Al-Ahmad areas.

These advanced cameras, which capture high-resolution images of the retina without dilating the eye, allow for immediate transmission to retina specialists. This enables swift patient assessment and timely treatment scheduling or hospital referral for those with advanced retinopathy. Al-Dhafiri underscored the significance of this initiative given Kuwait’s substantial diabetic population exceeding 600,000, all requiring regular retinal screenings to mitigate the risks associated with diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of vision loss.

Regarding treatment at Jaber Hospital, he noted the hospital’s role as a referral center for surgical cases, especially in retina-related surgeries such as vitrectomies and repairs for diabetic retinopathy complications. He mentioned the hospital’s capability to conduct around 100 eye injections monthly and 3 to 4 major operations weekly, emphasizing the critical role these services play for diabetic patients. Dr. Al-Dhafiri also addressed broader eye health concerns in Kuwait, including the prevalence of eye allergies and dryness exacerbated during summers, necessitating specialized care. He advocated for genetic eye examinations to be included in pre-marital screenings due to the hereditary nature of certain eye diseases affecting Kuwaiti children, underscoring the impact of consanguineous marriages on these conditions.

Moreover, he clarified misconceptions about retinal transplantation, highlighting ongoing global research efforts while noting Kuwait’s leadership in corneal transplantation and the adoption of advanced 3D imaging technologies in ophthalmology. In conclusion, Dr. Al-Dhafiri’s insights underscore Kuwait’s advancements in ophthalmological care and the critical role of technology in improving diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes

By Marwa Al-Bahrawi
-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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