Kuwait youth handball team prepares for European friendly tournaments

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Kuwait youth handball team preparing for the European friendly tournaments.

KUWAIT CITY, June 27: The Kuwait youth handball team is eagerly anticipating upcoming friendly competitions as they prepare for several friendly tournaments in Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia next August. This is part of the long-term preparation plan established by the coaching staff and the national teams within the Handball Federation.

The team is continuing its daily training sessions at the Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Complex in the Sabah Al-Salem suburb, under the guidance of coach Stefan Kuvecs and his national assistant, Meshal Al-Adwani. Team manager Shaker Arti has confirmed that the players are showing significant physical and mental development from previous training sessions, indicating that their efforts are yielding positive results.

Arti stated, “Participation in European-friendly tournaments is an integral part of our summer preparation plan. The goal is to enhance the technical and physical levels of the players while gaining valuable experience by interacting with different European teams and playing styles.”

He added that the federation is diligently working to overcome any obstacles faced by the “Little Blue” team, emphasizing their commitment to developing a strong generation of players to support the national teams in the future.

Arti continued, noting that the players are highly motivated to represent “the team with honor. Their dedication to training and adherence to the instructions of the technical and administrative staff are clear evidence of this commitment.

Arti also commended the efforts of the administrative and technical staff, including the national team’s technical director, Faisal Siwan, and the team’s coach, Stephan Kuvecs, along with his assistant, Al-Adwani. Their hard work since the conclusion of local activities has been crucial in preparing the team for the upcoming matches.

Khaled El Anzi

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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