Kuwaiti lawyers embrace technology with ‘paperless justice’ initiative

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Kuwaiti Lawyers Association introduces ‘paperless justice’ initiative for legal reform.

KUWAIT CITY, April 16: In a bid to modernize legal procedures and enhance efficiency, Khaled Al-Suwaifan, Secretary of the Kuwaiti Lawyers Association, unveiled the “Paperless Justice” initiative. This strategic move seeks to revolutionize traditional legal practices by introducing electronic alternatives, marking a pivotal shift towards digital transformation.

Al-Suwaifan emphasized that embracing digitalization is no longer a choice but a necessity to safeguard the rights of litigants, expedite case resolutions, and streamline processes while reducing both time and financial burdens. The initiative aims to eliminate obstacles hindering the pursuit of justice, foster momentum toward judicial digitization, and prioritize the interests of all parties involved.

The “Paperless Justice” initiative represents a proactive step towards enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of the legal system in Kuwait. By leveraging technology, the Kuwaiti Lawyers Association endeavors to create a more transparent, efficient, and responsive legal framework, ultimately serving the broader interests of justice and the community.

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