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WLRH showers Kuwait with ‘Golden Clover’ ’20 award

KUWAIT CITY, Sept 6: The State of Kuwait won the 2020 edition of the “Golden Clover” award – the annual award given by the “World League for the Right to Happiness”, in recognition of the countries’ efforts toward making the residents in general and their citizens in particular happy.

The charitable association, which is allied with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), announced that its ambassador for relations with states and representatives, Thierry Rayer, will hand over the award to Kuwait’s permanent representative to “UNESCO” Ambassador Adam Al-Mulla on Sept 21 this year at the headquarters of the organization located in the French capital, Paris. In the context of the reasons for the decision to give this award to Kuwait, the league relied on several considerations, among them the State of Kuwait’s provision of free health care and excellent educational, in addition to other public services.

The decision also cited “the historic moment in 2005 when Kuwait took a pioneering step in the Gulf, represented in granting women the right to vote and running in the parliamentary and municipal elections.” The decision noted other factors that cause happiness in Kuwait, including the State’s combination of the traditional heritage and modernity at the same time, reports Al-Rai daily. In addition to its financial capabilities that are mainly derived from the revenues of its oil wealth, it is characterized by the solidity and cohesion of its judicial system and its distinct democratic and most advanced governmental institutions among its counterparts in the Arab world, and the existence of an active political life that is clearly evident through the media and civil society organizations.

A group of Filipino women enjoying themselves at the beach in Kuwait City as life returns to normal.

The decision indicated Kuwait has its own definition of the right to happiness, which is based on two main concepts. First, the concept of equality regardless of gender, race, special needs and social status. The second is to ensure the provision of infrastructure for all residents. The league published a special televised interview with Ambassador Al-Mulla, who explained the concept of happiness in a broad and comprehensive sense, reviewing the efforts made by the government of the State of Kuwait to ensure the citizens’ right to happiness, as well as other residents. It is worth noting the aforementioned award logo is represented by a golden quat-lobed clover, which is a rare leaf that appears in fields, as it is usual for the clover to be composed of only 3 cloves. The quartet is considered a good luck sign in Western societies in general.