Kuwait’s Endeavor to Provide Superior Healthcare for Kuwaitis and Expats

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 14: The Minister of Health Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi affirmed that Kuwait is striving to improve the provision of excellent healthcare services to all Kuwaitis and expats. He stressed the keenness of the Ministry of Health to host specialized medical conferences, enhance cooperation, and exchange experiences among specialists with the aim of improving methods of prevention and treatment of diseases of all kinds. This was said in a speech delivered by the Assistant Undersecretary for Allied Medical Services Affairs Dr. Abdullah Al-Faras on behalf Dr. Al-Awadhi yesterday afternoon at the opening of the 45th Kuwait Conference on Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery.

The minister said, “The conference was attended by an elite group of specialized doctors from around the world, which enhances maximum benefit in the scientific and medical fields, as well as enhances cooperation to discuss matters of common interest.” Dr. Al-Awadhi indicated that all of this is focused on developing medical performance and the medical care provided to service recipients. He explained that the annual ENT Conference involved discussions on micro-surgical ear surgeries, cochlear implants, diagnosis of snoring diseases and surgeries, and sleep apnea.

Minister of Health Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi

Discussions also revolved around some complex cases and conducting operations on the sidelines of the conference. There was an exchange of experiences with the participating international talents and the visitors. Dr. Al-Awadhi stressed the Ministry of Health’s interest in following up on the topics discussed at the conference and other conferences, and following up on the recommendations reached by the participants and researchers to work on transferring them on the ground until they come into effect, to support and enhance the Kuwait health system, “which we are proud of and those in charge of it”. In addition, the Director of Zain and Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Center, Chairman of the Cochlear Implant Committee, Chairman of the ENT Council, and Chairman of the conference Dr. Mutlaq Al-Sayhan highlighted the constant endeavour to improve the health system by equipping, training, and developing a group of distinguished surgeons capable of providing the best medical services.

In his speech, Dr. Al-Sayhan said, “The conference includes an elite group of the most prominent pioneers, experts, and specialists from all over the world. We are confident that their participation will bring great enrichment and added value to the activities of this session of the conference. Kuwait was and continues to be a pioneer in hosting scientific and medical conferences as part of its continuous endeavor to develop its health system as one of the pioneering countries in providing advanced medical services based on the belief of its wise leadership that health care is an integral part of the comprehensive building of a modern, developed state. The conference aims to raise community awareness and keep abreast of developments in various sciences in the field of ear, nose, throat, head, and neck surgeries, and various fields related to this science, with the aim of increasing the dissemination of knowledge and expanding and developing the scope of services provided in our societies. The activities of this session of the conference include lectures, live performances, and training workshops for doctors, trainees at the Kuwaiti Board, and audiologists and speech-language pathologists.”

By Marwa Al-Bahrawi
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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