Kuwait’s ‘Meta’ platform facilitates 30 appointments every hour

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Kuwait’s ‘Meta’ platform streamlines residency affairs appointments.

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 8: The “Meta” platform has been facilitating appointments for visitors to the residency affairs departments across Kuwait’s six governorates, allowing 30 individuals to secure appointments every hour.

While the turnout at residency affairs departments in Al-Jahra and Mubarak Al-Kabeer governorates remained moderate, departments in Farwaniya and Hawalli witnessed a higher influx of visitors.

Expatriates interviewed by Al-Anbaa expressed a desire to extend the duration of family visits to three months. They highlighted the financial strain of accommodating family members for a month, particularly when it involves renting apartments and covering travel expenses.

In response to concerns raised by expatriates, a security source assured that visitation policies would remain open. The government aims to stimulate commercial activities in the country while ensuring that essential services, including healthcare, are not overburdened.

Expatriates also raised logistical issues, particularly for families residing in countries not directly serviced by the national airline. They proposed a solution whereby entry visas would only be granted upon presentation of travel tickets issued by the national carrier, even if travelers need to transit through a country served by the airline.

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