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BEFORE June 22, we were on the verge of despair over the possibility of reforming the country’s conditions. This we say without exaggeration.

This came after the recent governments made us lose hope due to the existence of a force that is capable of preventing the parliamentary encroachment on the powers of the executive authority. The executive authority appeared in the form of a weak person who works only under the inspiration of a deep state, or rather deep states that are nestled in all state facilities.

At that stage, all Kuwaitis witnessed how the ministries became like backyards for the influentials, electoral keys were appointed in positions they are not qualified for, and the public money was looted.

Meanwhile, the farms of profiteers began hatching organizations out of the blue, only to serve the cronies and buddies. Rather, they became electoral offices with astronomical salaries and privileges, as if their employees are astronauts, and health scientists, when in reality, work does not extend beyond drinking coffee, reading newspapers, and playing on their mobile phones during official working hours.

We lived in the shadow of corrupt people who swept the country in vain mercilessly. They prolonged the documentary cycle to gain more control over the production facilities, either in the industry that began to migrate to a more healthy work environment, or where there is an appreciation for individual initiative.

As for the entrepreneurs of small projects who took the initiative to enhance the economic cycle in the country but either ended up in prisons or fled abroad due to the failure of the last four governments in fulfilling their pledges to support these projects.

Rather, the COVID-19 pandemic was used as an opportunity to further impose injustice on these young people.

Also during that period, the Kuwaitis became afraid to say a word so that they would not wake up to a malicious prison sentence, or to be forced to flee into a voluntary exile. All of this was putting pressure on the economic situation, which was already suffering from a disease as a result of regional and international as well as local developments and the lack of proper and effective treatment.

Today, speaking frankly and without any ambiguity, the historic Amiri speech delivered by His Highness the Crown Prince, which the political leadership declared as “carrot and stick”, represented a glimmer of hope for the citizens.

Nonetheless, despite that, they feared that the pledges and measures announced would go unheeded, because they are tired of the “future tense” language, which was the norm in the speeches of the executive authority and the parliamentarians.

However, the measures that began to be seen with the Cabinet assuming its duties after the appointment of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nawaf as its head, especially the process of cleaning ministries and institutions from frivolous, corrupt and unqualified people and the dismissal of a number of officials from their positions, brought hope back to citizens.

O leaders of the New Era, we believe in your words. This is because the citizens’ confidence in your political leadership began to return during the past weeks, and the ship that was left to the crony and agents is in the hands of loyal captains, who were exhausted in the past by the situation of the country.

They started a fateful workshop that can only bear fruit if it continues at the same pace, because any complacency in confrontation means victory for the corrupt and the deep states that are fighting against the advancement of the country.

Indeed, reform does not come in a day and night, but its bitter doses are a necessary treatment, and it must continue. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Leaders of the New Era and reform, the citizens are waiting for the implementation of what you talk about in your private meetings.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times