Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

I respect and appreciate any person who supports or accepts liberalism or secularism, so I am not bothered as long as liberals or secularists don’t challenge the fundamentals of Sharia. I don’t oppose whatever a person believes in, but I won’t coerce myself to believe in what that person accepts as true or supports, because each one of us has our own business to deal with!

Individual freedoms have limits and they stop when it passes logic. Nobody has the right to violate Sharia, although each person has the right to promote his ideas in the appropriate way and dimension without downgrading or scorning another person. Each individual has the same right and freedom enjoyed by other members of society, and it’s difficult to live without them.

I have read articles written by columnists who are labeled as secularists or liberals glorifying music. Although I don’t mind whatever they do -- since they have every right to do so, it’s not reasonable for these columnists to raise doubts over fatwas issued on music. Accurate scientific research is acceptable for that purpose but we won’t tolerate any person who’s oblivious of Sharia to doubt an issue of jurisprudence.

Islam does not restrict opinions but there are specified regulations for dealing with issues concerning Sharia or jurisprudence. Therefore, it is improper for a person to use a column in a renowned international newspaper to meddle in fatwas and Sharia researches. The concerned newspaper is to blame for allowing the publication of such articles.

By Yusuf Awadh Al-Azemi