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Kuwait ranks third in Middle East and first in Gulf for organ donors

Chairman of Kuwait Transplant Society Dr. Mustafa Al-Musawi

KUWAIT CITY, Nov 7: Organ transplantation is the last solution used by hospitals to save the life of people with organ failure, such as heart, kidneys and others. In such cases a donor (alive or deceased) is sought for transplantation using surgical method report Al Qabas.

Dr. Mustafa Al-Musawi, head of organ transplantation and head of the Kuwait Society for Organ Transplantation, said that the transplant center is a medical center affiliated to the Ministry of Health, provides a highly qualified medical staff and experience, the main task of conducting and regulating organ transplants.

The Kuwait Society for Organ Donation is a public benefit organization that aims to spread the culture of organ donation and provide a post-mortem card.

Types of Donors

1 Living donor
■ Donate relatives Like the patient's wife, brothers or son.
■ Donate non-relatives

When strangers donate it raises lot of suspicion. Dr. Mustafa further stated that “We have seen cases where a patient brings a strange donor, such as a driver or a maid, justifying their volunteering out of love or sake of God,
But we never take responsibility for this suspicion. A complacency on this subject could spur the start of the organ trade market locally, which is illegal and legally a crime. That is why we asked the Ministry of Health to create an impartial committee that does not include transplant surgeons, an organ donation ethics committee based in Jahra Hospital. All cases of donations from non-relatives are referred to them, so that they are subjected to the necessary investigations, investigations and examinations. The committee then comes up with a report that either approves or rejects the donation".

2. Donation after death
Donation of organs after death is the preferred option for transplantation, because the deceased can donate several organs to save several patients. The best type of donation is the deceased clinically or brain, because the organs are healthy and healthy.

Donation Terms
■ Reaching the age of majority (21 years) so that it can legally sign the approval declaration.
■ Do not have chronic diseases harmful to the kidneys such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
■ Has normal kidney function.
■ Free from genetic diseases and diseases that may harm the kidneys in the future.

Rapid transplantation
Due to the rapid deterioration and damage of body organs with every minute passing after death, it has been confirmed that importance of speed is given in the transfer of organs of the deceased donor. "As the heart stops pumping blood, the body will stop functioning and it will damage all organs,".

Sensitive organs such as the heart, kidneys and lungs get damaged within 15-20 minutes, after which they will not be able to benefit from their donation. The best donor is the brain-dead donor, the so-called clinical death in which the brain is completely destroyed, but all organs continue to function and live through the organs.

Members can donate
The deceased donor can save 7 or more patients. Kidneys save kidney failure, heart saves heart failure, liver can be divided into two parts to save liver failure; In addition, the cornea of ​​the deceased can be implanted into a blind eye and advanced bleaching of the eye until it restores sight.

Donors availability per million

He pointed out that the culture of organ donation is low locally, compared to the countries of Europe and America. Donation of organs remains unacceptable to many, and talking about death and what happens to the body afterwards generates discomfort.

For comparison, the initiative to donate organs after death is a positive thing prevalent in the West. Statistics show that the number of post-mortem donors in Europe rises to 50 per million.

In the Middle East, Iran, the number is 12 donors per million, followed by Turkey with 8 donors per million. In third place and first in Gulf state, Kuwait, with 7 donors per million. The figure is down to five donors per million in Saudi Arabia and lower than that of neighboring countries.

Local obstacles
■ Religious obstacle Islam stressed the sanctity of the body of the dead and the sanctity of cutting or representation of his body or broken bones. As Muslim surgeons, we assure donors that the organs will be taken through a delicate and sensitive surgery, such as the removal of organs of the living person, and ensure that they are free of representation.

We will not break a bone or cut a limb, but will extract the internal organs with minimal harm. Many religious scholars and sheikhs also authorized the donation of organs after death, either through the will of the deceased or after the consent of the parents.

■ Cultural and social barrier which is not used to the culture of organ donation. In the West, this culture has spread since the 1960s and has been introduced into the curriculum, so that it is now a socially acceptable and encouraging subject. While donation of organs of the deceased remains unacceptable and almost unacceptable to some segments of society

Necessary tests for the kidney donor
The living donor undergoes several tests to assess the health of the kidney and the degree of compatibility of the donor tissue of the donor, namely:

1 - Blood and urine tests to make sure there are no problems in the blood or kidneys.

2 - Sonar examination to make sure there are no tumors or cysts in the kidneys.

3 - CT scans and tests to assess the health of the kidney arteries and their number.

4 - Nuclear medicine tests that evaluate the efficiency of the work of the kidneys.

5 - Advanced tissue and antibody tests to assess the degree of congruence between donor and donor tissues.