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THE Earth is shaking under the feet of the Mullah regime leadership due to the unprecedented popular uprising, which was never witnessed by the Dark Age clique that put Iran in captivity in the caves of dissimulation and starvation.

Their intention is to move forward with their expansionism scheme, which is based on an obsolete ideology, at any cost.

The name Maryam Rajavi emerged in this uprising. She is the leader of the People’s Resistance of Iran and the main force behind giving hope to about 80 million Iranians.

Rajavi has never got tired or weakened in fighting against injustice throughout the past four decades. She is armed with the spirit of truth that prevails over evil which hides behind the religious cloak.

This iron woman is an example of many female Iranians who were set to combat dictatorship and oppression that the current regime’s oracles inherited from their predecessor during the ‘Shah’ era.

During this period, Rajavi lost one of her sisters when the latter was executed by Shah’s authorities as an offering for freedom; and then she lost another one who was executed by the ecclesiastical heretical gang.

Despite threats to her life, she never backed down in her national endeavor. She endured all colors of oppression, suppression, isolation and indifference exercised by countries advocating for freedom and humanity while signing contracts with Tehran’s regime behind closed doors.

Rajavi works together with the National Resistance Council of Iran in exposing the manipulation tactics of the peacock regime. At the same, she presents ideal solution for the nation and every free person in this world agrees on this solution.

The annual protest is a station towards an advance period in populace confrontation against the current regime in Tehran. It unveils the real image of a nation which possesses great civilization which the heretical and internationally isolated gang has substituted with its expansionism scheme in the region.

Standing behind this tremendous effort is an iron woman with her stances for the sake of her country and its surroundings. She presented the third solution(s): effecting change with the hands of Iranians, guaranteeing freedom, policy of noninterference in the internal affairs of neighboring countries, and cleansing Iran from the curse of nuclear weapons.

Today, the entire Iran is shaking in revulsion against a regime which the world has never witnessed in terms of backwardness, oppression, starvation and organized killings; let alone instigating tension and terror in the region.

This means the seeds of liberty planted by the opposition have started germinating. All that is left to be done by the world is to listen keenly to the high voices of freedom and rights emanating from the Paris Summit where several thousands of the world’s politicians and champions of liberty and humanity gathered in a landmark demonstration which could be considered the actual birth of Iran’s new era.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times