Media content violations to face firm action in Kuwait

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Kuwait’s Ministry of Information targets media content violations.

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 30: In an official statement provided to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on Tuesday, Al-Subaie, a representative of the Ministry, announced stringent measures regarding media content dissemination in the State of Kuwait. According to him, media outlets are explicitly barred from publishing, broadcasting, replaying, sending, or transferring any content that violates the established media laws within the country.

Al-Subaie emphasized the Ministry’s active role in monitoring and overseeing news and media materials, with a commitment to referring violators to the relevant authorities. He clarified that the Electronic Media Law is applied exclusively to accounts characterized by professionalism, while other regulatory bodies in the nation address issues related to personal accounts through different legal frameworks.

Furthermore, Al-Subaie urged officials from various media outlets to uphold accuracy in their news reporting, fostering meaningful content that showcases the honorable image of the country. He called for cooperation in efforts to develop media work and address any negative aspects within the media landscape.

Highlighting the ministry’s dedication, Al-Subaie expressed a keen interest in fostering collaborative relationships with visual, audio, print, and electronic media to further serve and enhance the Kuwaiti media landscape.

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