MoE to issue 150 tenders for printing of school text books

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KUWAIT CITY, April 30: The Ministry of Education intends to issue about 150 tenders for printing books for the 2023/2024 academic year, of which 80 are for the first semester and 70 for the second semester. The government printing press in the Ministry of Information will print only about four books, and the printing presses and publishing houses will print the rest according to the budgets of students in schools, and based on the decision of the educational research and curricula sector, reports Aljarida daily. According to an educational source, the Department of Supplies and Warehouses in the Ministry of Education is waiting for the green light from the curricula sector to start issuing tenders according to the required specifications. However, it may take time in the corridors of the regulatory authorities.

File photo of printing of the books

The other solution is to divide these tenders according to practices that take place within the ministry for less than KD 75,000 per practice. However, this is a violation included annually in the reports of the State Audit Bureau. The lack of expansion by the Ministry of Information in printing books is due to the large quantities of textbooks required for the first and second semesters to cater to about 450,000 male and female students in public and private Arab schools, in addition to religious institutes and special education students.

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