THE beautiful Italian woman, Federica Mogherini, who currently occupies the position High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, visited the Islamic Republic of Iran to attend the inauguration of Iranian President-elect Hassan Rouhani. Everybody watched Mogherini wearing a very modest dress while seated on the first row in the inauguration hall. She covered her long blonde hair with an Islamic scarf (Hijab) and put on a baggy coat over large trousers covering her entire sexy body. The advanced social media exposed the sexy body of Mogherini when her picture with the scarf was uploaded side by side her picture clad in a bikini at the beach. Until now the story is normal. What is exceptional is that 18 MPs rushed towards Mogherini to take a selfie with the sexy European diplomat. The MPs’ selfie became the topic of political and moral arguments. Official and public reactions have increased and most Iranian newspapers issued on Aug 7, criticized the 18 MPs’ attitude. There have been many calls for symposiums about the selfie of Mogherini and the 18 MPs in order to discuss the incident and the reasons behind it. Some asked if the situation will be the same if Mogherini is a man. According to my humble opinion, I see that human nature is always the same and human beings are similar everywhere and at all times regardless of the surrounding circumstances. By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil