MoH imposes temporary halt on private pharmacy licenses for evaluation

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Health Ministry implements electronic oversight for private pharmacies.

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 2: On Tuesday, Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi announced a temporary suspension of the issuance of licenses for private pharmacies pending the completion of an evaluation study. The Ministry of Health, emphasizing its commitment to supervise and regulate private pharmacies, outlined the decision, which includes the formation of a committee tasked with assessing the current status of these establishments. This committee will meticulously document observations related to the laws governing the profession and submit detailed reports to Minister Dr. Al-Awadhi within a three-month timeframe, as indicated in the official statement.

In addition to the license halt, Minister Dr. Al-Awadhi has taken further steps by initiating the creation of a central electronic monitoring system. This system is designed to track prescriptions of psychotropic substances dispensed by private pharmacies. To ensure adherence to these new regulations, all private pharmacies authorized to trade in psychotropic medications are required to register in the electronic monitoring system.

This decision aligns with the Ministry’s ongoing efforts to strengthen regulatory measures within the healthcare sector. Minister Dr. Al-Awadhi’s proactive approach emphasizes the need for a thorough evaluation and oversight to uphold standards and prioritize public safety. The temporary suspension of licenses and the introduction of an electronic monitoring system mark crucial steps in fortifying the regulatory framework governing private pharmacies.

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