Ministry, its affiliates closely monitoring attendance KUWAIT CITY, June 21: The number of employees on sick leave and those asking permission for some days off in the Health Ministry and its affiliate institutions has been increasing since the start of the last 10 days of Ramadan, while the number of those visiting the ministry is decreasing due to other commitments, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting sources. Sources affirmed the ministry and its affiliates are closely monitoring the attendance of employees, stressing legal action will be taken against whoever does not report for work or neglects his duties without valid reason during Ramadan. Sources warned the erring employees will be referred to the Legal Affairs Department for disciplinary action. Stressed Sources stressed the ministry usually looks into negligence and non-compliance cases among employees days before and after public holidays. Sources said the officials will submit a report in this regard to the concerned authorities, adding that administrative and financial sanctions will be imposed on employees proven to have neglected their duties. On the other hand, the daily quoted a reliable source from the Information Ministry as saying that the processing of transactions during Ramadan was not affected by the absence of employees because of the low number of transactions. Also, the Ministry of Education cancelled its decision to exempt some employees from the fingerprint attendance system after observing abuse and exploitation of the system in certain departments. Sources revealed measures have been taken to avoid manipulation of the fingerprint attendance system as it happened before in some departments. Sources said the directors of these departments exempted a few employees from the system for one or two days according to the required work. Sources added the Administrative Sector has suspended the payment of salaries for many employees due to their failure to comply with fingerprint attendance regulations. Sources said about 4,000 employees in the main building of the ministry were found to have gone home immediately after registering their attendance through the fingerprint system. Sources explained the Cabinet has specified certain categories of employees exempted from the fingerprint attendance system; including department directors, those who have been in service for 25 years and those with special needs.