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author name Arab Times
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Deportation for misuse of social media

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 20 : The Public Ethics and Cybercrime Department of the Ministry of Interior says it will be harsh with celebrities — Kuwaitis and expatriates of both sexes — who violate public decency, whether through pictures or clips, reports Al-Anba daily quoting reliable security sources. The sources say clear instructions have been given by higher authorities to deport expatriates to their respective countries immediately and their names will be added to the list of persons barred from entering the country, while the Kuwaitis will be summoned and warned and made to sign a pledge of good conduct or referred to the Public Prosecution depending on the size of the offense.

The source denied the issue is subject to the mood, but the summons will be issued under blatant unacceptable transgression and deliberate violation of customs, traditions and rules of modesty without any justification, reiterating that freedoms are guaranteed, but not through disruptive behavior and publishing inappropriate or shameful pictures.

The same sources said the Criminal Security Sector has a list of names of personalities who recently published in the social media unacceptable material which will be examined minutely and action will be taken reiterating indecency will not be tolerated.

On the issue of the deportation of Sazdel, the Lebanese broadcaster within 72 hours of her arrest, as well as the arrest of the well-known Kuwaiti woman and referring her to the Public Prosecution for publishing a clip that violated public morals, a security source said yesterday the Criminal Security arrested an Iranian ‘Fashionista’ for publishing a set of pictures in the social media, which the Ministry of Interior described as ‘vulgar’ and decided to deport her .

The source stated the Iranian had no explanation to justify the publication of the clips and pictures on her account and the account of others, some of which can be described as ‘vulgar’.

The Cyber Crime Department has also arrested a Kuwaiti Fashionista and her husband after she posted a clip on the social media, saying the clip contains unacceptable overtones , contrary to public morals. The ministry emphasized the Cyber Crime Department monitors and follows up on any issues that violate public morals on social media and does not tolerate anyone who misuses social media platforms whatever the reason may be.