The month of Ramadan is considered a generous guest, because rewards are doubled for good deeds during the period, as declared by Allah the Almighty in various verses of the Holy Quran – with its distinguished features.In the Holy Quran, Allah says the book was revealed in the month of Ramadan to guide the people, the most authoritative of all guidance and criteria to discern right from wrong. Anyone who knows the month of Ramadan has begun must begin to fast, and those who are sick or on a journey must fast the same number of days another time. Allah does not impose hardship on anyone. He wants you to have comfort so that you may complete the fast, glorify Allah for having given you guidance, and perhaps, you would give Him thanks (Quran 2:185).In the above-stated verse, Allah explains the characteristics of the month of Ramadan and the fasting obligation, followed by guidelines for a Muslim who is not able to fast due to sickness or travel, indicating such a person can compensate for the days he/she missed after Ramadan.The verse also sheds light on the divine purpose of fasting, which is to make things easy and not difficult for people who are fasting so that they could glorify Allah for His guidance, and perhaps, be grateful to Him. The verse is in a form of administrative order followed by regulations.In Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) sayings (Hadith), he categorically informed that every deed a human being does are for him (human) except for fasting (of the month of Ramadan), which is for Allah—and its reward is with Him.This Hadith is further explained by modern Islamic scholar Sheikh Saleh Al-Fouzan, who said people might know the value of deeds and such deeds might be questioned, except for fasting which Allah has reserved exclusively for Himself and its reward will be exclusive too.There are other hadiths about fasting indicating all past sins will be erased for whosoever fasts faithfully and seeks Allah’s reward for it. This is enough evidence among many other scenarios that Ramadan is not any normal month for believers. It is time to sow without fear of bad harvest.In the spiritual aspect, Kuwait, like any other Muslim majority country, welcomes the holy month with optimism and open heart and observes various kinds of worship, including prayers, reading of the Holy Quran and giving charity. Regarding the social aspect, we observe an increased rate of visits among families and friends from the first day of the month until the last day.With few days to the end of the blessed month, worshippers have been observing the night the Holy Quran was revealed (lailat al-qadr); the night which is better than 1000 months! Despite lack of information about the exact date, worshippers will continue to observe it every night within the last 10 days just to experience the ambiance and earn its vast rewards.I ask Almighty Allah to protect our country and its leaders, and grant success to the efforts of HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad in mending the unfortunate rift within the Gulf community. We hope brotherhood of the Gulf will be restored at the end of the blessed month. The region should always remember that “Believers are each other’s keeper. Restore peace among your brothers. Have fear of Allah so that, perhaps, you will receive mercy.”By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi