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Why PAAAFR cut allowances?

KUWAIT CITY, Sept 22: Deputy National Assembly Speaker MP Ahmad Al-Shuhoumi has submitted a bill on amending Law No. 53/2001 regarding the Criminal Investigations General Department at the Ministry of Interior. He proposed adding Article 24bis to the law, stating that public prosecutors assigned in the department who have been in service for 30 years should be granted service reward equal to two years salary and add KD750 to their pension. Those who have been in service for 25 years will also receive two years salary and KD500 will be added to their pension.

Deputy National Assembly Speaker MP Ahmad Al-Shuhoumi

MP Osama Al-Shaheen submitted a proposal to establish an institution in charge of processing transactions for fishermen, such as the issuance and renewal of boat permits. He pointed out that fishermen and boat owners are suffering a lot at present; because they have to deal with different institutions like the Coast Guard, PAAAFR and others.

Meanwhile, MP Fares Al-Otaibi forwarded queries to Minister of State for Municipality and Housing Affairs and Urban Development Shaya Abdulrahman Al-Shaya about the decision of the director general of the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR) to cancel some allowances granted to employees such as shift, food and travel allowances based on Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 12/2012 and the directive of the Finance Ministry to rationalize expenditures. He demanded for copies of CSC Resolution No. 12/2012; Decision No. 2087 issued by the director general of PAAAFR; and comments of monitoring institutions like the State Audit Bureau (SAB), Ministry of Finance and CSC on this issue. He inquired if the director general of PAAAFR specified the number of employees in every department whose shift allowance will be cancelled, criteria for determining who among the employees deserve the shift allowance and those whose allowance will be canceled, names of those whose shift allowance will be cancelled according to decision number 2087, their job titles and date of recruitnent.

MP Osama Al-Menawer also asked Al-Shaya about the schedule of connecting electricity to Mutlaa residential area, if there are problems in the tenders for supplying power cables, if some institutions have objections regarding these tenders, reasons for not issuing construction permits to the housing beneficiaries even if their plots are located in blocks where infrastructure works have been completed, if the Public Authority for Housing Welfare (PAHW) is suffering from budget deficit and causes of the deficit if the response is in the affirmative, if the budget of PAHW for fiscal year 2021/2022 is lower than the estimate, and if the authority submitted its objection to the budget reduction.

He inquired about the delayed distribution of plots in South Saad Al-Abdullah residential area, as well as the target completion date for the infrastructure works in the area. MP Fayez Al-Jomhour presented questions to Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Communication and Information Technology Affairs Rana Al-Fares about the KD 2 charge for the delivery of civil identification cards to the houses of citizens and expatriates, plus 250 fils for every other identification card delivered to the same house. He requested for copies of the contracts between the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) and delivery companies. He wants to know the names of the owners of these companies, if any of them is a relative of the director general of PACI, if PACI floated a tender in this regard or the contracts were signed directly with the companies; and the number, names, qualifications and tasks of employees assigned in the office of the director general. By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff