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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 18: Several lawmakers have expressed support for the grilling motion of MP Mehalhal Al-Mudhaf against HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, emphasizing that this is their absolute right as stipulated in the Constitution and regardless of the grilling points.

MP Hamad Al-Elyan explained he supports the grilling motion as per the constitutional rules and it should be discussed openly without the need for the Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee or the Constitutional Court to review it. He said HH the Prime Minister must stand on the grilling podium and disprove the grilling points, asserting the MPs are free to decide whom to support under the monitoring of the nation.

MP Khalid Al-Otaibi pointed out that the corrupt media misled the public in the previous period, making it appear that grilling hinders development and disrupts legislative progress. He clarified that grilling is the most powerful parliamentary tool for addressing wrongdoings. He underscored the need to stop attempts to criminalize grilling and accuse the MPs of instigating crisis just to prevent the lawmakers from fulfilling public demands; otherwise, the whole nation shall continue living like the previous period, instead of moving forward. He concluded that deliberations on grilling motions will not stop the government from enforcing the necessary legislation if it is really keen on doing so. He also highlighted the fact that the National Assembly has two main tasks -- legislation and monitoring, stressing these two tasks should be carried out simultaneously. MP Muhammad Al-Regaib urged HH the Prime Minister to stand on the grilling podium as part of his commitment to cooperate with the Assembly, adding that the nation and lawmakers shall take the final decision.

MP Mubaral Al-Hajraf emphasized the need to adhere to the Constitution, which allows MPs to grill members of the government whenever the need arises; while MP Adel Al Obaid said the grilling motion must be discussed in an open session without being referred to the Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee or the Constitutional Court. He added this is one of the rights of the MPs and citizens. MP Jenan Bu Shehri pointed out that the executive and legislative authorities had earlier reached an agreement to rectify mistakes committed in the past period. She argued that political reform cannot be separated from economic reform, stressing grilling is the duty of every MP as it is crucial in playing their monitoring role efficiently. She explained that grilling has nothing to do with coordination with the government, stating this tool must never be suspended.

She added a minister or prime minister subject to grilling has the right to defend himself and disprove the accusations, leaving the decision in the hands of the nation’s representatives. She emphasized the need for the MPs and members of the government to correct the wrong notion about grilling motions, which was adopted a long time ago; that is, considering grilling as a way of instigating crises. She added that she is looking forward to a professional debate, during which both HH the Prime Minister, and Al-Mudhaf will exhibit civilized behavior.

Meanwhile, MP Jarrah Al-Fawzan forwarded queries to Minister of Finance Fahd Al-Jarallah about the news that Al-Seyassah Daily published on Nov 15; indicating Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) owns shares in a company located in Israel, and that it invested $150 million in Zorlu Holding and $88 million in 2022 instead of exiting. He asked if KIA knows that Zorlu manages energy plants in Tel Aviv, the percentage of the shares it owns, measures taken after the publication of the news, and if the Ministry of Finance investigated the issue.

On the recent closure of four private plastic surgery clinics, MP Fayez Al-Jomhour asked the health minister to present a detailed report including the names and specializations of these clinics, copies of their licenses, their violations, number of clinics shut down in the last three months, if the clinics carried out abortion and hair transplant procedures, if the ministry received complaints against the clinics and action taken against them if any. He asked Minister of State for Municipal and Communications Affairs Fahd Al-Shaulah to submit the list of communication towers installed on the roofs of private houses; if the communication companies were granted licenses by the Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Health, and Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) to use the roofs of private houses; steps that Kuwait Municipality and CITRA took against erring companies; and if the State Ministry for Communications formed inspection teams to follow up the violations.

By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff