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THE statement made by Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin Salman during his visit to the United States of America on where he stands can be considered a positive shock which the Arabs need to wake up from the euphoria of slogans and reaction politics which only led to destruction and division.For the past seven decades of conflict with Israel, the vocal phenomenon and slogans have become a popular belief that served as motivation for extremism and terrorism.Hence, the survival of Arabs is in captivity of such politics which intensifies their backwardness in every aspect.In his long interview with the American magazine, ‘The Atlantic’, Muhammad bin Salman summarized his vision through his rational and realistic reading of how events are moving.The present era cannot accommodate frivolous conflicts, as this is the era of knowledge and technology. It is no longer permissible to live in the cave of darkness based on the idea of world control.In the Arab-Israel conflict since 1948, the Arabs have experimented in the game of confronting their enemy with rhetoric and slogans. Where has this game taken them?Israel occupied the entire Palestine and the refugee crisis got more complicated since it was used as fuel to settle differences between Arabs themselves.This happened at a time countries were raising the slogans of Palestine liberation during the day, and strived at night to sign deals with Israel at the expense of the remaining Arab countries.Throughout the past decades, the resounding slogans have not succeeded. This is why time has come to accept the reality that each nation in the land of Palestine acknowledges the other’s existence right and all that remains to be done is phrasing the final solution.This is what Muhammad bin Salman pointed out with a clear perspective saying, “I believe people anywhere have the right to live in their peaceful nation. I believe the Palestinians and Israelis have the right to have their own land.”This position does not exit from Arab principles incorporated in the peace initiative endorsed in 2002 in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as the international resolutions and solution projects that were based on the existence of two countries which are currently in question.Nonetheless, those obstructing such a movement towards the future are what he described as the ‘triangle of evil’ which sees terrorism as the means for executing their schemes — whether the regime in Iran which is based on the idea of expansion by iron and fire or the Muslim Brotherhood which strives to rule the Muslim world with the illusion of establishing the caliphate.In addition, there are parasitic terrorist groups that feed on ignorance, backwardness; and serve expansionism projects and fragmentation — whether the Persian scheme, its ally Israel or both.Based on these facts, the only remedy for this predicament is rational deterrence, while avoiding drifting between reactions which the ‘triangle of evil’ or Israel is aiming for. Thus, the bitter decisions taken today and serious movement towards peace are the only means to foil such schemes.This will never be achieved without acknowledging the reality, similar to the case of Syria where the frivolous conflict continues despite the acknowledgment of most countries that it is impossible to remove Assad.Therefore, all that Assad’s regime needs to do is urge Syrian refugees and the displaced to return to their homes and build their nation. After that, they should decide on the form of governance they want and the one who will rule them.Only serious work and patriotism should follow after that in order to lift their country from the hands of Iran and militias from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, etc.This rational approach towards the situation in the region and perspective characterized with openness, which Muhammad bin Salman is working on, can be called the future language that the Arab world has been missing over the past decades; rendering them to woes and conflicts until we reached this level of backwardness.By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times