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Intisaar Al-Ma’touq Intisaar Al-Ma’touq

THE world was shocked at the news that the Arab coalition, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is included on the United Nation’s blacklist of those violating children’s rights. According to a statement from the UN Secretary General’s Office, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stands by this decision.

In another statement, the UN secretary general mentioned that he is bothered by the number of the civilian victims of both sides, although it is difficult to say why he is bothered. This is war, there is no distribution of flowers in wars Mr Ki-moon.

To include a name of a vital and major security system in the Middle East on the blacklist is unfair. We fear that such a move might have shaken our esteemed view of the secretary general.

We do not know where exactly the UN got the information that warranted the blacklist of the Saudi-led coalition. Among its many implications is that the blacklisting of this coalition is similar to its inclusion on the terrorism list, which is totally unfair and unbecoming of the UN.

It is a great embarrassment for every GCC country that believes in the sovereign right of the political leadership to secure the region and protect it from the filth of terrorism represented by the Houthis and troops loyal to ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Saleh.

If it were not for the grace of Almighty Allah and decisiveness of the Arab coalition, the terrorism scope in the region would have expanded, and it is clear to everyone that no one is safe from the spread of terrorism.

The Arab Islamic Coalition is not the real danger, since its emergence caught the conspirators off-guard and left them perplexed by the abilities of this coalition. The real danger is known to everyone, it is the one which continues to spread its venom on Earth.

The coalition did not come to separate the heads of children from their bodies in Yemen. Instead, the coalition came to protect the region from the venom spread by the likes of DAESH and the Houthis, from the evil snake that wants to topple the entire GCC region through various illegitimate means.

The coalition is fighting against DAESH, so how come Ki-moon is making comparisons between them? The UN General Secretary is calling on everyone, especially the parties in conflict, to avoid killing of civilians and immediately end hostility in the region. Undoubtedly, this is what everyone is wishing for.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has no terrorist tendencies, it has never been involved in any kind of terrorist acts and it has not aspired to impose any of its values on others.

The Arab Islamic alliance came to existence in a bid to chop off the tails of treachery which is manifested in the open and secret aggravation and provocation towards the Arabian Peninsula. We will say it over and over again, the Middle East is part of this world and whatever transpires in it like bloodshed and chaos will affect every part of this world.

Ban Ki-moon has offended the regional countries and their leadership. We do not know from where he got the information that made him hit the headlines of various mass media with this embarrassing and shameful statement.

It is worth mentioning that Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper published a report about the UN’s plan to rephrase the attached regulations on countries and groups which violate the rights of children in armed conflicts, and the Saudi-led coalition was included on the list moments before the publication.

On the other hand, it is our role to ask how it happened and who is responsible for such a huge mistake which equated the name of the Arab coalition with the terrorist organizations, considering the entire world knows how it all started and how it included every corner of the Arab and Western worlds.

This is the same Western world which was previously thought of being at a safer distance to be affected by whatever is transpiring in this part of the world, most of which is drenched in chaos.

We are not here to defend the entity of Gulf countries, although it is our right to do so. We are here to raise some questions on several issues, such as the implication of blacklisting the Saudi-led coalition. This means Kuwait is blacklisted too because it is part of the coalition.

Kuwait is the same country that the UN named as the ‘International Humanitarian Center’. It is the country of Dr Maali Al-Asusi — a Kuwaiti doctor who sold her company and migrated to encounter bombs and war in Yemen in order to give free medical services to her brothers and sisters there.

When it comes to the Kingdom, its humanitarian and philanthropic activities are beyond mention. Millions and millions of people are being helped through the generosity of the Kingdom — whether within the Kingdom or outside, where war has ravished the lives of millions.

Regardless, the question still stands: Whose hidden hand ensured the name of the Saudi-led coalition is listed among the terrorist and savage organizations and entities? Who is this person hiding in diplomatic corridors with the intention of harming one of the mightiest coalitions in the 21st century? Who is benefiting from all this?

Ki-moon did not only offend the alliance, but he also offended and transgressed the heroism of our men inside and outside the Yemeni borders, men who have vowed to protect their brothers and sisters in Yemen.

Behold, justice has never been the main tool in any given report including that of Ki-moon. Justice has never been the main merit in Myanmar (Burma), Gaza, Aleppo ... etc. In fact, the tool of justice needs to be fixed.

By Intisar Al-Maatouq