New cards rolled out for those affected by nationality revocations in Kuwait

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Kuwait initiates special card issuance for revoked nationalities, aligned with Cabinet Resolution.

KUWAIT CITY, June 30: The Central Agency for Illegal Residents has initiated the issuance of special cards today, Sunday, for individuals whose nationalities have been revoked. Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Wahaib, director of the agency’s status adjustment department, made this announcement in a press release. He explained that the issuance of these cards follows the implementation of Cabinet Resolution No. 296 of 2024, which designated the central agency to collaborate with relevant government bodies to regulate, amend, and monitor the status of individuals whose Kuwaiti nationalities have been rescinded.

According to Al-Wahaib, the agency will comply with the resolution by submitting a report to the Council of Ministers every three months, detailing all actions taken in this regard.

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